P. 52

Press Release
               In addi on, Al Mazrouei shed light on the Digital Qualifica ons Workshop service main areas

               of focus, which was developed in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Digital Authority (ADDA).
               The  key  topics covered in  the  Workshop include the world of  the Internet, social  media

               pla orms, the basics of Microso  Word, PowerPoint and Excel, steps to access the ‘TAMM’

               pla orm, obtaining the Barkitna Card and using the UAEPASS applica on. The session further

               offered  guidance  on  how  to  benefit  from  government  services  available  on  the  ‘TAMM’
               pla orm,  along  with  using  applica ons  like  WhatsApp,  phone  services,  Snapchat,  Google

               Maps, Instashop and more.

               The sessions held by FDF aim to empower senior ci zens cogni vely and digitally. It will help
               the senior ci zens to learn to use social media pla orms, navigate the internet and interact

               with digital systems to keep up with the advancements of society and future genera ons. It

               equips them with the necessary skills to seamlessly communicate with family and friends

               while adap ng to the advancements of the current world and the new genera on. In addi on,
               it facilitates their access to various services, in an efficient and accessible manner.

               FDF is commi ed to efficiently u lise the  me and experience of senior ci zens and residents,

               nurturing knowledge and skill exchanges across genera ons, conserving na onal heritage and
               educa ng the youth on authen c Emira  customs and tradi ons. These ini a ves help serve

               the na on while keeping up with the growth of the young genera on in a way that is in line

               with the Emira  heritage.  In order to a ain these goals, FDF provides a wide range of services
               and programs for senior ci zens such as the Barakat Al Dar Club, Council of Elders, Social

               Support to Senior Ci zens and Barkitna Card. In addi on, the Founda on has been hos ng

               several sports events, especially for senior ci zens and residents.


               For more informa on :
               Orient Planet Group (OPG)
               Tel:  +971 2 4418995
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