P. 51

Press Release

                    Family Development Founda on honours senior ci zens and
                 residents par cipated in “Digital Qualifica ons Workshop” service

               Abu Dhabi – October 24, 2023: H.E. Mariam Mohammed Al Rumaithi, Director General at

               Family  Development  Founda on  (FDF),  honoured  senior  ci zens  and  residents  who

               par cipated in the “Digital Qualifica ons Workshop” service, held in line with GITEX Global
               2023. The key focus of the service was to make senior ci zens capable of using technologies,

               enhancing their skills and offering opportuni es for growth. The Founda on’s par cipa on at

               the event was facilitated through the Abu Dhabi Government pavilion.

               Khawla Al Kaabi, the Head of Seniors Department at FDF, said: “The Founda on, in line with

               the “Digital Qualifica ons Workshop” service, conducted several preventa ve and enabling

               sessions. The key objec ve  of the workshop  is to  educate  senior ci zens on  informa on
               technology,  facilita ng  access  to  digital  services  that  improve  their  quality  of  life  and

               encourage healthy communica on with their family members.”

               “The Digital Qualifica ons Workshop focussed on empowering senior ci zens and residents

               with essen al technological skills to help them keep pace with modern developments and
               boost societal integra on. The can help establish a constant communica on channel between

               senior ci zens, their family members and society,” she added.

               Moza Ali Al Mazrouei, Social Care Specialist at FDF, said: “The workshop sought to reinforce

               technological and communica on skills of senior ci zens to enable seamless adapta on to

               developments in the current world and ensure their integra on into society. It will make it

               easier  for  them  to  access  digital  resources  and  services  that  help  them  enhance

               communica on with family, society and other community members. All of these efforts are

               aimed at strengthening their bond with family members.”
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