P. 18

6/14/24, 5:03 PM                         How digital twin technology can enhance transportation management
        How digital twin technology can

        enhance transportation management

        CREATED: 07 JUNE 2024

            Technical Review Middle East will be hosting a free-to-view leadership virtual
            panel on 11 June in association with Bentley, exploring how to maximise
            productivity and achieve better results in transportation management by
            integrating digital twin technology

            The transport sector in the Middle East and Africa is undergoing a transformative
            journey in line with consumer pressures and international in luences. The growing
            urgency to minimise environmental impact in all sectors, the importance of delivering
            safe operations and the pressure to ensure interoperability among new systems across
            the region are but a few of the demands stakeholders tasked with delivering
            the transport systems of tomorrow must deliver on.

            In performing this duty and re-imagining rail, road and transit operations for the bene it
            of all, industry leaders are being ever-drawn to the advantages offered by modern
            technology such as digital twins. In the dedicated virtual panel session, speakers will:

            • Explore present challenges and opportunities in the transport sector;
            • Examine the role of digital technology as a catalyst for boosting productivity;
            • Consider strategies for progressing towards a net-zero carbon future;
            • Emphasise maintenance, asset management, and digital solutions.  1/2
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