Page 80 - DGHR PR REPORT - APRIL 2024
P. 80

4/15/24, 9:11 AM                           New OSH guide launched for government employees in Dubai
        The guide book consists of chapters on occupational health and safety management, risk management,
        job well-being and the office work environment.

        It also features seven pillars that DGHR considers vital for effective implementation of OSH, policies.

        These include legislative and regulatory compliance, the provision of system-related resources, the

        establishment of an occupational and environmental health and safety culture, awareness-raising and
        training as well as stakeholder engagement, accountability, and transparency.

        The manual also defines the roles of major stakeholders.

        In June 2023 the UAE signed an agreement with the ILO to enhance labour inspection and
        occupational safety and health procedures.

        Under the agreement the ILO will provide training for labour inspector trainers for the Ministry of

        Human Resources and Emiratisation of the UAE.

        The ILO also plans to train labour inspectors in issues such as risk assessment and using state-of-the-
        art OSH equipment.

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