Page 101 - MBRF PR REPORT - April 2024
P. 101

4/19/24, 9:55 AM          Knowledge Lounge enriches knowledge landscape with a range of events and activities - Middle East News 247
        collaboration with the Alnqsh Platform. These sessions were moderated by a young girl

        Haneen Kifah Al-Kharaz and they included readings of diverse books from the literature world.

        H.E. Jamal bin Huwaireb, CEO of MBRF highlighted MBRF’s unwavering dedication to

        boosting the significant role of reading. He also stressed the significance of ingraining reading
        as a daily habit among youth, recognising its pivotal role in cultivating their knowledge and

        elevating the UAE’s standing as a hub of science and knowledge regionally and globally.

        He also expressed pride in the Knowledge Lounge’s remarkable achievement in advancing
        knowledge and reading, emphasising its focus on showcasing the intellectual and creative

        works of writers and scientists. Furthermore, he praised the successful engagement of

        Knowledge in book fairs and meetings, highlighting their role in sharing experiences and best
        practices and enhancing knowledge cooperation.

        The Knowledge Lounge is notably dedicated to bolstering reading among members of society,

        particularly among young individuals. It seeks to accelerate knowledge development,
        fostering sustainable cognitive development pathways and establishing economic models

        based on knowledge.

        Last Updated on 5 hours by Middle East News 247

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