Page 52 - Grandweld PR Report - August 2024
P. 52


                 Aug 14, 2024   202    20

               Grandweld Shipyards Delivers Advanced FNSA 7 Vessel
               To Fujairah Na onal Shipping LLC, Boos ng Regional

               Mari me Industry

               Grandweld Shipyards, a prominent fully-integrated shipyard in the mari me and offshore industries, has
               successfully delivered its latest advanced vessel, the FNSA 7, to Fujairah Na onal Shipping LLC. This delivery
               marks a significant achievement for Grandweld, showcasing their commitment to innova on, quality, and
               technological excellence in shipbuilding.
               The FNSA 7 is built on Grandweld’s renowned GrandSuperior design and is equipped with a state-of-the-art real-
                me remote monitoring system and a comprehensive digitalisa on package. This mul -mission, high-
               performance vessel meets the rigorous standards of major offshore oil opera on companies, including ADNOC
               and ARAMCO. The vessel's advanced technology is designed to enhance opera onal efficiency while minimizing
               environmental impact, aligning with Grandweld’s dedica on to sustainability and cu ng-edge marine
               Jamal Abki, General Manager of Grandweld Shipyards, commented on the milestone, sta ng, “The delivery of
               our GrandSuperior class vessel to Fujairah Na onal Shipping LLC is a proud moment for Grandweld Shipyards. It
               reflects our shared commitment to innova on, technological advancement, and sustainability. The Port of
               Fujairah, strategically located on the UAE's eastern coast, plays a pivotal role in the regional mari me industry.
               We are honored to support Fujairah Na onal Shipping in its mission to elevate the regional mari me sector by
               providing vessels that adhere to the highest interna onal standards.”

               This delivery comes at a  me when the UAE is advancing its mari me legal framework, following the
               implementa on of Federal Decree-Law No. 43 of 2023 on Mari me Law, which took effect on March 29, 2024.
               Grandweld Shipyards has been at the forefront of this moderniza on effort, ensuring that its opera ons and
               products comply with interna onal standards.…  1/2
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