Page 53 - Grandweld PR Report - August 2024
P. 53

Khameis M Khaddeim, CEO of Fujairah Na onal Shipping LLC, expressed his sa sfac on with the new addi on
               to their fleet, sta ng, “We are delighted to receive the FNSA 7 from Grandweld Shipyards. This vessel will
               significantly enhance our opera onal capabili es, allowing us to provide more efficient and sustainable services
               to our clients. The FNSA 7 exemplifies Grandweld's dedica on to quality and innova on, and we look forward to
               leveraging this advanced technology to strengthen our posi on in the regional mari me industry.”
               Grandweld Shipyards con nues to lead the mari me and offshore industry with its state-of-the-art shipbuilding
               facility in Dubai Mari me City (DMC), which spans over 55,000 square meters. This facility is the largest of its
               kind in the area, underscoring Grandweld's capability to deliver advanced vessels that support global offshore,
               port, and security opera ons.

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