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ini a ve  further  places  a  major  emphasis  on  enhancing  air  and  soil  quality,  in  addi on  to

               eleva ng the city’s aesthe c appeal.

               H.E.  Dawoud  Al  Hajri,  Director  General  of  Dubai  Municipality, emphasized  that the

               Municipality’s  Green  Dubai’s  ini a ve  is  a  year-round  effort  and  adheres  to  comprehensive

               engineering and planning standards, which are in line with Dubai’s modern lifestyle and its urban
               and architectural development and supports the vision of the wise leadership in making Dubai

               the best city for living in the world.

               Furthermore, H.E. also stated that the ini a ve reflects Municipality’s efforts to increase green

               spaces,  improve  urban  and  natural  environments,  and  promote  environmental  sustainability,

               thereby posi oning Dubai as an aesthe cally pleasing, sustainable, and appealing city. HE added
               that the objec ve is to provide a be er living environment for residents by enhancing the quality

               of life and overall wellbeing.

               H.E. Al Hajri said: “Green Dubai’s ini a ve is one of the key components of the Municipality’s

               strategic  efforts towards sustainability. By  safeguarding and op mizing  the  use  of  natural

               resources and elements as well as substan ally lowering carbon emissions in the Emirate, this
               ini a ve seeks to have a posi ve effect on the environment. This is in line with the strategy and

               na onal goals to become carbon neutral by 2050.”

                “The  ini a ve  significantly  contributes  to  crea ng  and  enhancing  green  spaces  for  leisure,

               relaxa on,  and  connec ng  with  nature.  Furthermore,  it  has  also  improved  the  cultural  and

               aesthe c appeal of Dubai, ensuring environmental preserva on for future genera ons.” Al Hajri

               Numbers and Sta s cs
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