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The Municipal teams in Dubai collaborated in 2023 to achieve the ini a ve’s various goals, where
185 thousand trees were planted in 210 sites, such as agricultural projects, nature reserves, main
and secondary roads, in Deira and Bur Dubai, in addi on to the Municipality’s parks.
Dubai Municipality has introduced a variety of trees across its plan ng ini a ves, including local
environmental species, such as Ghaf, Sidr, Sumar, Neem, Olive, Samorova palm, Indian jasmine,
and palm-like trees. Addi onally, many other evergreen plants, renowned for their rich green
foliage, have also been included, including Washingtonia, Bismarckia, Pseudobombax, Poinciana,
Bougainvillea, Acacia farnesiana, and Darsina.
Qualita ve Shi s
The Municipality has made significant progress in agriculture and tree plan ng in recent years. It
planted a total of 73,920 trees in 2020. By the end of 2023, this number had reached an
astounding 185,000 trees, from 170,339 in 2021. This progress demonstrates the Municipality's
dedicated efforts to encourage afforesta on and enhance green spaces, as well as increase
individual’s share of green spaces in the urban area, in harmony with the Emirate's urban
expansion and popula on growth.
To successfully meet the environmental requirements in Dubai, the Municipality is ac vely
promo ng the development of both natural and man-made green areas, following the highest
global standards and prac ces. Moreover, it places a major focus on plan ng local tree species,
such as Ghaf and Sidr, which are well-suited to flourishing in the region’s soil salinity condi ons.
As part of its commitment to sustainable agriculture, Dubai Municipality offers integrated
agricultural services that u lize state-of-the-art technologies and prac ces. These modern