Page 6 - NewTech Insurance PR REPORT - March 2024
P. 6


                No.                Topic                         DATE                          STATUS

                       NewTech Insurance Brokers
                            enriches customer
               1        experiences, records 90%             March 2024                       Published
                       client renewal rate and 35%
                         growth in business KPIs

                          In response to UAE’s
                       mandatory health insurance
                        policy system, NewTech
               2                                             March 2024                        Drafted
                       Insurance Brokers expands
                          insurance services for
                        individuals and businesses

                                              OPINION PIECE

               Publication                  TOPIC                       DATE                   STATUS

                                    The dynamic InsurTech
              The Integrator       landscape in Middle East:          March 2024          Pending with media
                                  Imminent changes and trends
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11