Page 14 - Savoye PR Report - May 2024
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Savoye to Showcase Cutting-Edge Automation and AI Solutions at Seamless Middle East 2024 - MEA Tech Watch
Savoye to Showcase Cu ng-Edge Automa on and AI Solu ons at Seamless Middle East 2024
Shahzaib 3 Weeks Ago 04 Mins
Savoye, a leading global warehouse automa on firm, is set to explore the limitless possibili es of
automa on and ar ficial intelligence in the logis cs and supply chain sector at Seamless Middle East 2024.
The annual gathering, featuring industry leaders from eCommerce, retail, payments, and logis cs, will
provide Savoye with a pla orm to showcase its exper se and iden fy evolving market demands. Savoye will
present its latest innova ons, including state-of-the-art Autonomous Case-Handling Robots (ACR) and
ODATiO so ware solu ons, designed to transform warehouse opera ons and enhance supply chain
The Middle East’s dynamic logis cs and supply chain sector is con nuously evolving to meet the demands of
retailers by leveraging cu ng-edge technologies. eCommerce remains the primary growth driver for
warehouse automa on technologies worldwide, including in the Middle East, driving demand for addi onal
warehouse space and automa on technologies.
Projec ons indicate that the Middle East’s warehouse automa on market will grow at a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 17.5% to reach $1.6 billion by 2025.
Alain Kaddoum, Managing Director of Savoye Middle East, said: “Seamless Middle East 2024 is one of the
biggest events highligh ng the latest innova ons across various sectors, including eCommerce, retail,
payments, and logis cs. During the event, we seek to present our innova ve solu ons and technologies that
will advance the growth of the logis cs and supply chain industry.”
He added: “The Middle East region has been ac vely inves ng in cu ng-edge solu ons to enhance
opera onal efficiency and adaptability, recognizing the importance of warehouse automa on. Automa on
delivers several notable benefits, such as enhanced space u liza on, op mized inventory management, and
reduced labor supply shortages and costs. Post-pandemic, investments in warehouse robots have increased
substan ally, indica ng a paradigm shi towards robust and flexible logis cs infrastructure. By par cipa ng
in this event, we aim to highlight the significance of AI and automa on technologies in increasing the
efficiency of logis cs and supply chain opera ons.”
Savoye has been serving the Middle East logis cs and supply chain industry with its exper se in so ware,
automa on, solu on design, and integra on. The company recently upgraded its ODATiO so ware to boost
the efficiency and produc vity of the logis cs and supply chain industry in the region. The upgrade
incorporates an Order Management System, enhancing the overall business experience and mee ng
customer needs effec vely.
As a leader in the supply chain sector, Savoye is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technological
innova on. The company’s goal is to provide sustainable, innova ve solu ons that benefit both the
environment and companies worldwide. 1/1