Page 17 - Savoye PR Report - May 2024
P. 17

Savoye will emphasize the value of AI and automation solutions in the logistics and supply chain industries at Seamless Middle…
                                   showcase our cu ng-edge technology and solu ons at the event,

                                   which will help the supply chain and logis cs sector flourish.

                                   The Middle East area, seeing the value of warehouse automa on, has

                                   been ac vely inves ng in state-of-the-art solu ons to improve

                                   opera onal efficiency and adaptability, he con nued. For supply chain-

                                   based businesses to succeed, warehousing opera ons are essen al.
                                   Among the many noteworthy advantages of automa on are improved

                                   space u lisa on, improved inventory control, and decreased expenses
                                   and shortages of labor. Following the pandemic, there has been a

                                   significant surge in investments in warehouse robots, sugges ng a shi
                                   in perspec ve towards a resilient and adaptable logis cs infrastructure.

                                   Our goal in taking part in this event is to draw a en on to how

                                   important ar ficial intelligence (AI) and automa on technologies are to

                                   improving supply chain and logis cs efficiency.

                                   Savoye has been providing a range of comprehensive solu ons,

                                   including so ware, automa on, solu on design, and integra on, to the

                                   Middle Eastern logis cs and supply chain business. The company has

                                   modified its ODATiO so ware to boost efficiency and produc vity of the

                                   logis cs and supply chain industries in the region. An Order

                                   Management System is part of the most recent update, which improves

                                   business experiences overall and efficiently sa sfies client demands.

                                   Savoye, a pioneer in the supply chain industry, is commi ed to

                                   expanding the fron ers of technical advancement. The company's main

                                   objec ve is to offer cu ng-edge solu ons that sustainably help

                                   businesses worldwide and the environment. Savoye will engage with
                                   poten al customers, partners, and industry peers at the Seamless

                                   Middle East 2024 in an effort to foster collabora on, share informa on,
                                   and influence the direc on of logis cs and supply chain management in

                                   the area.
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