Page 17 - HBMSU PR REPORT - APRIL 2024
P. 17

Press release

               which is the ‘Graduation Project’, is centred on improving participants’ practical abilities to
               enable them to offer guidance or evaluate a government institution’s performance in relation

               to the fundamental standards of the institutional excellence model.

               The  HBMSU  remains  steadfast  in  its  commitment  to  designing  specialised  educational

               programs  across  various  domains  with  the  objective  of  catering  to  the  evolving  market

               demands and fostering sustainable development.  In this regard, the University had earlier

               sealed  a  Memorandum  of  Understanding  (MoU)  with  the  Prime  Minister’s  Office  at  the

               Ministry  of  Cabinet  Affairs  to  strengthen  cooperation  in  developing  professional  diploma

               programs  within  the  government  excellence  model.  This  comes  in  line  with  its  efforts  to

               support national objectives in adopting global best practices within institutional excellence

               within  governmental  entities  to  empower  skilled  national  professionals  and  implement  a
               leading government excellence model on a global scale.

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