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9/5/23, 1:24 PM                                                                   Business News

               ARAB BUSINESS NEWS     Leading Business News website in the Middle East

               9/5/2023    About   Contact

             Unifonic unveils state-of-the-art AI at Seamless Saudi Arabia,

             elevating customer experiences to new heights

               05/09/2023

             September 4, 2023- Unifonic, the Middle East's leading customer engagement platform, is proud to present its AI-powered Chatbot, at the
             Seamless Saudi Arabia 2023 event.

             As a key player in the region's communications landscape, Unifonic takes center stage at Seamless Saudi Arabia 2023, one of the largest
             events focusing on payments, íntech, retail, and eCommerce innovations, to showcase their game-changing platform and their latest

             innovations in Artiícial intelligence and machine learning technology.
             Unifonic is committed to pioneering innovative solutions that enhance customer relationships and elevate brand experiences, and
             Seamless is a great opportunity for industry professionals and tech enthusiasts to experience Unifonic’s new AI-powered chatbot, which is

             set to transform the landscape of customer experiences.
             The Unifonic Chatbot leverages AI to collect and analyze behavioral patterns and human language, enabling precise interactions and

             engagement with customers. It boasts multilingual capabilities, catering to users in English, Arabic, and Urdu, fostering inclusivity and
             accessibility. With its advanced decision-making abilities, the chatbot enables seamless connections between brands and customers,

             resulting in signiícant beneíts for organizations such as being able to qualify leads, 24/7 support, increased cost optimization and more.
             Furthermore, it adheres to global best practices and industry standards, prioritizing data privacy and security to instill user conídence

             and trust. The AI Chatbot is integrated with 100+ SaaS applications like HubSpot, Zid, Salla, Salesforce and more to help organizations
             automate business processes and oìer a more connected experience.
             To enhance its capabilities even further, Unifonic has incorporated the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) module into the chatbot,

             allowing it to discern intent with greater precision and learn from user interactions with machine learning algorithms. This creates smart
             experiences that will improve all customer journeys.

             "We are thrilled to participate in Seamless Saudi Arabia 2023, reaïrming our commitment to excellence as a platinum sponsor for the
             second year running," stated Mohammed Sleeq, COO at Unifonic. "At Unifonic, we believe in the transformative potential of AI to enhance

             customer engagement and deliver exceptional experiences. Our goal is to seamlessly integrate AI across our platform and solutions,
             facilitating eìortless communication and creating personalized and eìective interactions. By constantly innovating and reíning our

             platform, we aim to exceed client expectations and deliver unrivaled value." he added
             Unifonic's AI Chatbot is not replacing human contact, it is designed to augment and empower it. By handling common inquiries and tasks,
             the chatbot allows human agents to focus on complex and value-added customer encounters. When the chatbot encounters an inquiry

             beyond its capabilities, it promptly transfers the interaction to a human agent, ensuring a seamless customer experience.
             The acquisition of Sestek in 2022 further enabled Unifonic to enhance their AI oìerings by adding market-leading voice recognition

             In addition to their AI Chatbot, Unifonic is showcasing a range of cutting-edge products and services at the event that elevate reliable
             customer engagement while upholding the highest standards of technological advancements. This commitment aligns with Unifonic's

             objective of supporting the Kingdom's vision, including Saudi Vision 2030 and the Smart Government Strategy, driving digital
             transformation across public and private sectors.
             Established in 2006, Unifonic has solidiíed its position as a leading enterprise-grade, multilingual, and seamless omnichannel
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