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2/5/24, 2:54 PM                  Workplace Strategies to Promote Early Cancer Detection and Prevention - Pan Time Arabia
        hazardous materials, long working hours, or cigarette smoke. Workplace habits can also contribute to physical inactivity and
        unhealthy eating patterns , both known risk factorsfor cancer. Consequently, the workplace can play a critical role in shaping
        health habits and mitigating cancer risks.

        While genetics are likely to play a part in the rise of cancer cases in young people, experts suggest that smoking, and obesity are

        key risk factors. Based on trends over the past three decades, researchers estimate that in 2030, the global number of new early
        onset cancer cases will rise by 31%, while associated deaths will increase by 21%. Individuals in their 40s are predicted be the
        most at risk.

        Dr Kate O’Reilly, Medical Director at International SOS, said: “For many, the fight against cancer often emphasises post-
        diagnosis care, management, or treatment after it manifests. World Cancer Day serves as a crucial reminder of the impact of

        cancer and the potential for proactive intervention. Prioritising cancer awareness, accessible screening and prevention
        programmes isn’t just beneficial for individual employees, it demonstrably benefits organisations as well. These initiatives can

        lead to a healthier workforce, potentially reducing absenteeism and fostering a more engaged and productive work environment.

        Dr O’Reilly added “Simple, yet impactful, workplace changes, such as promoting healthy food options and encouraging regular

        exercise, can significantly reduce cancer risks. Integrating these elements into corporate health programmes empowers
        employees to become active participants in their own wellbeing. It allows them to take charge of their health and potentially

        mitigate cancer risks.”

        In the UAE, which is one of the leading countries in terms of health services provided to cancer patients, a comprehensive

        strategy is being followed to address the risk of cancer among employees. The country has implemented various collaborative

        initiatives between the government and private sector. For instance, the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) of the UAE
        has implemented awareness campaigns utilising various channels, including media, social networking, smart applications and

        educational programs. The key goal of these efforts is to inform the public about factors that raise cancer risks, symptoms and

        the relevance of regular check-ups.

        International SOS outlines some strategies to mitigate cancer risk for employees and how organisations can strengthen

        their workplace support:

        1. Provide education and awareness: Educate employees about common cancer risks, warning signs and available resources.
        Host regular workshops and information campaigns to empower employees to be proactive about their health and seek prompt

        medical attention if they notice any potential symptoms.

        2. Encourage regular screening: Early diagnosis of cancer nearly always results in better treatment outcomes. Ensure
        employees’ health benefits cover key screenings and that your organisation’s policy makes screenings feasible. Encourage

        employees to take time off for their annual medical exam.

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