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Workplace Strategies to Promote Early Cancer Detection and

                   Countries across the globe including the UAE are fostering collaboration between the
                    government and the private sector to mitigate the risks of cancer among employees

               UAE, February 2, 2024: As World Cancer Day is fast approaching, International SOS, the

               world's leading health and security risk services company, emphasises the growing
               importance of early detection and prevention of cancer in corporate health strategies. While
               cancer remains a significant global health burden, proactive measures evidently reduce

               mortality rates. Recent data suggests that at least 40% of all cancer cases reported could be
               prevented through effective primary prevention measures.
               Workplace environment and working hours can have a profound influence on the physical and
               mental health and wellbeing of employees.  Individuals spend a substantial portion of their
               lives  at  work,  some  potentially  exposed  to  risk  factors  such  as  hazardous  materials,  long
               working hours, or cigarette smoke. Workplace habits can also contribute to physical inactivity
               and  unhealthy  eating  patterns ,  both  known  risk  factors for  cancer.  Consequently,  the

               workplace can play a critical role in shaping health habits and mitigating cancer risks.
               While genetics are likely to play a part in the rise of cancer cases in young people, experts
               suggest that smoking, and obesity are key risk factors. Based on trends over the past three
               decades, researchers estimate that in 2030, the global number of new early onset cancer
               cases will rise by 31%, while associated deaths will increase by 21%. Individuals in their 40s
               are predicted be the most at risk.
               Dr Kate O’Reilly, Medical Director at International SOS, said: “For many, the fight against
               cancer often emphasises post-diagnosis care, management, or treatment after it manifests.
               World Cancer Day serves as a crucial reminder of the impact of cancer and the potential for
               proactive intervention. Prioritising cancer awareness, accessible screening and prevention
               programmes  isn’t  just  beneficial  for  individual  employees,  it  demonstrably  benefits
               organisations as well. These initiatives can lead to a healthier workforce, potentially reducing
               absenteeism and fostering a more engaged and productive work environment.

               Dr O’Reilly added “Simple, yet impactful, workplace changes, such as promoting healthy food
               options and encouraging regular exercise, can significantly reduce cancer risks. Integrating
               these elements into corporate health programmes empowers employees to become active

                   1.   World Health Organization | International Agency for Research on Cancer | Cancer Topics
                   2.   International Labour Organization | Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World
                   3.   Institute for Employment Studies | Cancer & Employment Report 2022
                   4.   The University of Edinburgh | Global Surge in Cancer Cases Among Under 50s
                   5.   World Health Organization | World Cancer Day: Know the Facts – Tobacco
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