P. 14

Global Travel Soars Amid Evolving Risk Landscape:

                                    A Call for Enhanced Risk Management

                                                                                   UAE, January 9, 2024

               International SOS, the world's leading health and security risk services company, underscored
               the  necessity  to  implement  enhanced  risk  management  strategies  for  travellers  and
               organisations,  amid  the  increasing  international  travel.  While  global  travel  regained
               momentum despite significant fluctuations throughout 2023, the evolving landscape raises
               concerns about the growing complexity of risks that both travellers and organisations need to

               International SOS data revealed a 59% increase in international travel and 48.4% increase in
               domestic  travel  during  October  2023,  as  compared  to  the  beginning  of  the  year.  These
               findings align with a recent report from The International Air Transport Association (IATA),
               emphasising  the  resurgence  of  global  travel. According  to  IATA,  global  air  traffic  reached
               97.3% of pre-COVID levels at the end of 2023.  With the holiday season quickly approaching,
               IATA anticipates that this trend will continue into the New Year, despite economic and political
               uncertainties in parts of the world. For instance, the Middle East region anticipates to witness
               a  substantial  uptick  in  air  passenger  traffic,  indicating  a  promising  trajectory  for  2024.
               Additionally, the industry forecasts indicate that the volume will reach 105% of 2019 levels,
               facilitating travel of around 429 million passengers.

               Michael Rogers, Chief Security Analyst at International SOS said: “The resurgence in global
               travel comes at a time in which the travel security landscape is increasingly being complicated
               by  geopolitical  events,  natural  disasters  and  other  developments.  More  and  more
               organisations are finding comprehensive risk mitigation strategies for their mobile workforce
               to be of upmost importance.

               Today, more than ever, travellers need to remain informed of prevailing risks and attendant
               mitigation measures. Beyond geopolitical issues and natural disasters, emerging diseases,
               social unrest and evolving crime dynamics require that travellers practice vigilance. Across a
               series of concurrent and overlapping crises, International SOS observed a 16% increase in
               the volume of security and medical alerts issued to clients throughout January to November
               this year compared to same period in 2022. The considerable increase illustrates both the
               evolving global security environment as well as value of timely and verified information and
               analysis as a key resource to ensure workforce safety.”

               The  impact  of  climate  change,  including  extreme  weather  events,  natural  disasters  and
               environmental changes also poses an additional layer of risk to global travel and are proving
               to be increasingly disruptive. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that
               within the next two decades, temperatures are likely to rise by 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels
               and we are likely to see a multitude of unavoidable climate hazards globally.

                   1.   Analysis based on International SOS Tracker Data (1 January 2023 - 31 October 2023)
                   2.   The International Air Transport Association (IATA) | September Passenger Demand Provides Solid End to Third Quarter
                   3.   Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | Climate change: a threat to human wellbeing and health of the planet. Taking action
                       now can secure our future
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