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In  addition  to  providing  flu  vaccines,  the  organisation  uses  world-class  resources  to  support
               healthcare  initiatives,  such  as  clinical  governance,  on-site  management,  global  coordination,
               reporting and analysis, fully integrated digital tools, escalation management, and risk mitigation.

               In line with the Health Sector Transformation Program, the International SOS  Al-Rushaid flu
               vaccine  campaign  supported  the  larger  goals  of  disease  prevention,  access  to  high-quality

               healthcare, and adherence to international standards.

               With  a  focus  on  technologically  advanced  healthcare  delivery  and  innovative  solutions,
               International SOS Al-Rushaid is dedicated to assisting KSA in improving the county’s healthcare

               ecosystem.  As  Saudi  Arabia’s  healthcare  sector  evolves  with  an  increased  emphasis  on
               innovation, cost-effectiveness, and illness prevention, International SOS Al-Rushaid takes pride
               in being a part of a community that prioritises public health and wellbeing, as well as the safety of

               employees across a wide range of industries.


               About International SOS Al-Rushaid

               The International SOS Al-Rushaid, is a joint venture between International SOS, a global leader
               in delivering customised health, security risk management and wellbeing solutions to fuel growth
               and  productivity  for  over  35  years,  and  Al-Rushaid  Group,  a  leading  Saudi  owned  company

               principally involved in manufacturing, construction, engineering, trading, commercial real estate,
               and technology. Through this unique partnership which was founded in 2018 International SOS
               Al-Rushaid  provides  a  complete  and  integrated  medical  services  solution  to  clients  in  Saudi

               Arabia, onshore and offshore.
               For more information please visit:

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