Page 34 - Metro Brazil PR Report - March 2024
P. 34

Metro Brazil expands footprint in KSA - LogisticsGulf
        Metro Brazil expands

        footprint in KSA

        March 12, 2024 | Posted by LG Content Team

        Thereby contributes to booming retail and e-Commerce market

        Metro Brazil, the leading retail and e-Commerce
        company for Brazilian shapewear in the Middle East
        has expanded its opera ons into the Kingdom of Saudi

        Arabia (KSA) with its commitment to enhance the
        growing retail sector.

        Projec ons indicate a substan al expansion of the KSA
        retail market, an cipated to reach US$ 54.46bn by
        2028. Metro Brazil is poised to leverage this growth

        with its state-of-the-art eCommerce pla orm, and best
        in class products, addressing the evolving demands of
        the fashion retail market, according to a press
                                                                                   Alaa Kara Ali, CEO,

                                                                                       Metro Brazil
        Notably, the Saudi Arabian eCommerce market is
        expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate

        (CAGR) of 15.01 per cent to reach US$ 27.37bn by 2029. This upward trajectory in
        eCommerce revenue is poised to make a significant and posi ve impact on the overall
        economy of KSA.

        Thriving market

        By expanding into the region, Metro Brazil aims to tap into the thriving market,
        leverage opportuni es for growth, and contribute significantly to the flourishing

        economy, all while adhering to their global expansion goals.

        “We look forward to establishing the company as the ul mate des na on for

        premium Brazilian brands through various strategic partnerships and investments,
        thereby enriching individuals’ confidence,” affirmed Alaa Kara Ali, CEO, Metro Brazil.                                   1/2
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