Page 210 - DGHR PR REPORT - AUGUST 2024
P. 210
8/8/24, 11:49 AM Dubai To Pilot 7-Hour Work Time, 4-Day Work Week
The initiative will run between August 12 and September 30, and aims to enhance workplace
flexibility as the DGHR seeks to improve employees’ performance and quality of life.
They align with the goals of Dubai Quality of Life Strategy 2033, which targets enhancing the well-
being of residents and making the emirate a global destination for long-term settlement and work.
“The initiative aims to enhance employees’ quality of life and promote sustainable use of
government resources,” said Abdullah Ali bin Zayed Al Falasi, director-general of the DGHR
Before the launch, the DGHR conducted a survey of several government entities, which garnered
“exceptional support.”
Global trials
The Autonomy Institute conducted a four-day working week trial in the UK between June and
December 2022, comprising 61 companies and about 2,900 workers.
As of the publication of the first results in February 2023, 56 companies, accounting for 92% of the
participating firms, preferred to continue with the new mode of work, while 18 confirmed the policy
to be a permanent change.
The before and after data showed that 39% of the employees were less stressed, while 71% had
reduced levels of burnout at the end of the trial. Meanwhile, the levels of anxiety, fatigue, and sleep
issues went down, while mental and physical health both improved. 54% of the participants said
they found it easier to balance their work with both family and social commitments. Business
metrics of the companies also showed signs of positive effects from shorter working hours.
Giving an extra day off to employees boosts productivity, increases physical and mental health, and
reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the World Economic Forum said last October, citing
several studies and trials.
What to watch for
The impacts of the initiative on employees and overall productivity shall be accessed by the DGHR
by collecting feedback, and a final report will be compiled summarizing the initiative’s outcomes,
the department’s recommendations, and its adaptability to various government entities.… 2/2