Page 289 - DGHR PR REPORT - AUGUST 2024
P. 289
8/7/24, 10:11 AM DGHR, MBRF and UNDP Partner for Education Initiative | ESG Mena
“This endeavour aims to strengthen the process of education and comprehensive development, while expanding avenues of
knowledge within the UAE, thereby consolidating its position as a globally influential hub of knowledge,” added MBRF CEO.
Dr. Hany Torky, Project Manager of UNDP’s Knowledge Project, said: “As a part of this initiative, UNDP has collaborated with
MBRF to further joint efforts in delivering knowledge and educational materials to all members of the Arab community.
“Our goal is to ensure that Dubai Government employees benefit from the exceptional courses offered through this
pioneering initiative. We hope to facilitate ubiquitous access to learning opportunities and training, empowering them to
advance their professional careers, ultimately contributing to the realisation of a brighter future.” 2/2