Page 16 - GETEX PR Report - May 2024
P. 16
GETEX Spring 2024 connects 15,600 aspiring students with top international educational institutions
Tanya Mokle, Director of GETEX, stated: “GETEX Spring 2024 was a success in spite of the fact that over a dozen
school visits were cancelled because of the recent floods and inaccessible roads. The adverse weather
condi ons hindered normal school opera ons for the week and made it challenging for families to a end
GETEX. Despite the lower visitor turn-out due to the unexpected weather and unprecedented a er-effects,
GETEX experienced high-quality visitors, with many universi es sa sfied with admissions achieved during the
exhibi on.
“As commi ed organisers of GETEX with the mission to provide our par cipants with the best possible access to
students, we will provide exhibitors of GETEX Spring 2024 with con nued marke ng support leading up to their
September student-intake. Addi onally, our aim is to facilitate a student-outreach programme for universi es
especially focusing on students in the Northern Emirates who were unable to a end GETEX because of the
unprecedented rains and consequent flooding. We take pride in our University-School rela onships and believe
that a large number of higher educa on ins tu ons in the UAE depend on GETEX as their primary source for
student recruitment each year. We will not let them down,” Mokle, added.
Another UAE-based higher educa on forerunner reiterated their sa sfac on with GETEX 2024 fulfilling their
annual student recruitment drive. Vignesh Unadkat, COO at Thumbay Group, Gulf Medical University
said: “GETEX is a valuable event that enables us to effec vely assist applicants, parents, and other par cipants
within the higher educa on fraternity. Over the course of three days, the exhibi on provided a structured
environment for our conversa ons, aiding us in be er understanding student queries and providing accurate
responses. Alongside the various medical degree courses offered by all six colleges under Gulf Medical
University, this year, we introduced a diverse range of new courses catering to various interests for studying
With several leading educa onal ins tu ons from around the world a ending, GETEX has become the region's
most pres gious student recruitment event over the past three decades. The latest event's success serves as
more evidence of the pla orm's dedica on to promo ng educa onal excellence and deepening meaningful
connec ons in the shi ing educa onal landscape.… 3/3