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International SOS urges organisations to prioritise fostering positive safety
                         and health culture within workplaces during World Health Day

               7  April,  2024  –  International  SOS,  the  world's  leading  health  and  security  risk  services

               company, has prompted organisations to move beyond compliance and prioritise cultivating a
               positive working environment that puts safety and health first during this World Health Day.
               The company aims to shed light on the significance of this important occasion as a timely

               reminder for companies to strictly ensure employee health and wellbeing, as it contributes to
               enhancing organisational performance.

               The World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates that annual health-related productivity losses
               arising from poor employee health cost employers USD 530 billion globally. Moreover, millions
               of occupational accidents and work-related illnesses are reported worldwide each year. 2

               Preventative health programmes can help minimise these impacts. The International SOS

               Foundation  commissioned  report,  The  Return  on  Prevention,  reveals  that  for  every  dollar
               invested in such programmes, organisations can expect a return of USD 2.53. Additionally,
               fostering employee wellbeing strengthens talent acquisition and retention, with a remarkable

               82 per cent of global risk professionals acknowledging its critical role.

               Dr Nosa Aihie, Regional Medical Director, Offshore and Medical Services, Middle East,
               at International SOS, comments “This year’s World Health Day theme is ‘My health, my
               right’. Organisations can take this opportunity to support the health and wellbeing of their

               employees by encouraging them to actively take charge of their health. While access to
               health services, clean air, safe drinking water and nutritious food are crucial, so too is a safe
               and healthy work culture and environment.  Long working hours, sedentary work, limited

               access to healthy food options can make it difficult for employees to maintain healthy habits.
               Relatively simple changes at work can increase employee engagement and productivity,
               reduce absenteeism, and ultimately contribute to a stronger and more successful


               International SOS offers five key strategies organisations can implement to enhance
               employee health and wellbeing:

                   1.  World Economic Forum (2023) | A healthy workforce is good for business. Here’s why.
                   2.  International Labour Organization | The enormous burden of poor working conditions
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