Page 178 - BRIDGESTONE PR REPORT - January 2024
P. 178

1/17/24, 2:10 PM                          Goodyear Wants to Make Roads Much Safer with Intelligent Tires

               Goodyear Wants To Make

               Roads Safer With

               Intelligent Tires

               Tire-pressure monitoring systems will seem like old news by

                     BY EMMET WHITE    PUBLISHED: JAN 17, 2024

                  Tire technology continues to improve, with extended EV range and better

                  longevity, but what if we could have electronically connected smart tires?

                  Goodyear is answering that hypothetical question with help from the
                  folks at ZF, Gatik, and TDK, in an initiative it calls the Goodyear


                  From improving ABS stopping distances and monitoring autonomous

                  trucks to detecting and reacting to hydroplaning, Goodyear is banking on

                  tire intelligence.                                    1/3
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