Page 105 - SALIK PR REPORT JUNE 2024
P. 105

6/20/24, 11:41 AM                                New Dubai Mall introduces paid parking system


           New Dubai Mall introduces paid
           parking system
           DUBAI, 23 hours, 17 minutes ago
           Dubai Mall, one of the world's largest and
           the  most  visited  place,  has  announced  a
           partnership  with  Salik  Company,  Dubai’s
           exclusive  toll  gate  operator,  under  which
           the  mall  will  introduce  a  structured,  paid
           parking  system  that  is  "designed  to
           enhance the overall guest experience".

           The  new  parking  system,  which  will  be
           operational  from  July  1,  will  improve
           parking availability, free up spaces, helping
           guests  to  the  mall,  a  flagship  asset  of
           Emaar  Malls  Management,  find  parking
           slots more quickly and easily.            Dubai Mall to introduce enhanced parking system

           Speaking on behalf of Emaar Properties, Ahmed Almatrooshi, said: "We are pleased to introduce a seamless
           parking payment solution at Dubai Mall. This initiative aligns with our commitment to enhancing the guest
           experience by leveraging innovative technologies, in collaboration with Salik.
           “This  collaboration  highlights  our  dedication  to  continually  improving  our  services  and  setting  new
           benchmarks in retail and leisure."
           Ibrahim Sultan Al Haddad, Chief Executive Officer and Board Member of Salik Company, said: “The latest
           announcement  represents  a  significant  milestone  as  we  collaborate  closely  with  Emaar  Malls  to  provide
           customers of this renowned destination with this first-of-its-kind parking management technology.

           “This  is  an  important  step  in  our  strategic  evolution  to  become  a  global  leader  in  sustainable  and  smart
           mobility  solutions  and  is  also  in  line  with  our  ambition  to  deliver  innovative  and  convenient  solutions  that
           eliminate the need for gates or barriers. This is just the beginning for us, and we are truly excited to have
           Emaar as our first partner.”
           The new paid parking system at Dubai Mall applies to Grand Parking, Cinema Parking, and Fashion Parking,
           while Zabeel and Fountain Views parking locations will remain complimentary.
           Notably,  the  first  four  hours  of  parking  will  be  complimentary  for  guests  on  weekdays,  and  six  hours  on
           weekends, said a statement.
           After  the  complimentary  period,  parking  in  the  designated  areas  will  be  charged.  -  TradeArabia  News

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