Page 46 - SGH REPORT - DECEMBER 2023
P. 46
12/20/23, 1:51 PM Saudi German Hospital Aseer Rescues Diabetic Patient's Leg From Amputation | MENAFN.COM
Saudi German Hospital Aseer Rescues
Diabetic Patient's Leg From Amputation
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12/19/2023 10:19:32 AM
(MENAFN- Mid-East) tdi_2:not(.td-a-rec-no-translate){transform:translateZ(0)}.tdi_2 tdi_2
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A team of vascular surgeons successfully saved a diabetic patient's leg from amputation at
Saudi German Hospital Aseer.
This patient chose to pursue high-quality medical care at Saudi German Hospital Aseer after
doctors recommended leg amputation at another hospital.
Saudi German Hospital Aseer has both Arab and foreign consultants across a wide range of
specialities and access to the latest treatment methods and technologies. 1/2