P. 298

6/28/24, 3:04 PM              UAE's Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri Leads Delegation at BRICS Tourism Meeting - The Gulf Observer
          During  his  address,  Al  Marri  emphasized  the  UAE’s  commitment  to  forging  new
          pathways for sustainable tourism collaborations that foster economic growth, promote
          cultural  exchange,  and  elevate  the  UAE’s  standing  as  a  premier  global  tourist
          destination. This vision is in alignment with the “We the UAE 2031” strategy.

          “We  are  dedicated  to  working  with  our  BRICS  partners  to  develop  a  resilient  and
          sustainable tourism sector,” stated Al Marri. “This includes improving air connectivity
          and  infrastructure,  leveraging  the  strategic  locations  of  the  UAE  and  BRICS  nations,
          embracing digital transformation and technology across various tourism sectors, and
          sharing  best  practices  to  facilitate  travel  and  increase  tourism  flows  among  member


          Enhancing Tourism Cooperation

          Al Marri highlighted the importance of enhancing air connectivity and infrastructure,
          leveraging  the  strategic  locations  of  the  UAE  and  BRICS  countries,  and  embracing

          digital  transformation  within  the  tourism  sector.  He  also  stressed  the  significance  of
          sharing best practices to facilitate travel and boost tourism among member states.

          He  reaffirmed  the  UAE’s  unwavering  commitment  to  advancing  sustainable  tourism
          initiatives with BRICS members, offering full support to achieve these goals. “The UAE is

          actively  collaborating  with  the  United  Nations  World  Tourism  Organization  to
          implement the Sustainable Tourism Measurement Framework,” he added, underscoring
          the UAE’s proactive role in global tourism sustainability efforts.

          The  BRICS  Tourism  Ministers’  Meeting  in  Moscow  provided  a  platform  for  member

          states  to  discuss  and  strategize  on  sustainable  tourism  practices,  aiming  for  a
          collaborative approach to fostering global development and security through tourism.
          The  UAE’s  participation  and  leadership  reflect  its  dedication  to  contributing  to  and
          benefiting from the collective growth of the BRICS nations.

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