P. 40

Press Release

               The Committee also discussed a range of new mechanisms for increasing trade flows between the
               two countries  and  supporting  cooperation  at the governmental and private  sector  levels.  It
               underlined the key role of the private sector in promoting economic cooperation between the two
               countries and  the importance  of  providing all means of support  to exporters  and importers to
               facilitate greater exchange and diversification of goods and services. To this end, new channels of
               communication between the UAE and Czech business communities will be explored.

               SMEs and startups

               The UAE and Czech Republic agreed to provide programs and enablers that would accelerate the
               growth of startups in the markets of the two countries, increase their investments and access to new
               markets, as well as encourage SMEs and entrepreneurs to invest in the new economy sectors. This
               will help enhance the sector’s contribution to the GDP of both countries.

               Food security and agriculture

               The two sides expressed their interest in strengthening cooperation in the field of food security and
               agriculture through increased trade in food commodities and agricultural products during the next


               The UAE and Czech Republic emphasized the importance of organizing joint tourism exhibitions,
               events, and conferences in the future to promote the main tourism and historical attractions in the
               two countries and fully capitalize on their tourism capabilities to attract more tourists from all over
               the world.

               Air traffic between the two countries is also  witnessing  continuous growth  as the number of
               monthly flights between them, operated by the UAE’s national carriers, now exceeds 60.

               Industry and Innovation

               The two sides underscored the importance of strengthening cooperation and exchanging expertise
               and best practices in industry, innovation, advanced technology, and renewable energy sectors,
               encouraging the private sector to invest and explore opportunities in such vital sectors.

               MoU between the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology and the Czech Office for

               The Ministry of  Industry and Advanced Technology signed a cooperation agreement with the
               Czech Office for Standards, Metrology, and Testing of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the
               Czech Republic. The agreement will facilitate the  exchange  of  expertise and knowledge in
               conformity assessment, certification systems, and metrology, and the hosting of joint workshops,

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