P. 36

Press Release

               ranking in the GEM 2023/2024 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report for the third year
               in a row.

               H.E. also called on the Hungarian private sector to take advantage of the promising, competitive
               policies and opportunities offered by the UAE to establish diverse business and economic activities
               and launch startups in the country. These include the amendment to the Commercial Companies
               Law to grant full foreign ownership of companies, which contributed to the establishment of over
               275 thousand new companies within a year and a half, taking the total  number of companies
               operating in the UAE to more than 788 thousand by the end of 2023, as well as the country's
               strategic position that supports its status as a dynamic global trading hub.

               The Minister of Economy invited the Hungarian private sector to capitalize on the opportunities
               and flexible, competitive  advantages  offered by the UAE  economy  to establish businesses,
               economic activities and innovative startups in the country. One remarkable development is the
               amendments  made to the Commercial Companies Law  to  allow  100%  foreign ownership of
               companies in the UAE. This amendment has resulted in the establishment of over 275,000 new
               companies in just a year and a half. As of the end of 2023, the total number of companies operating
               in the UAE exceeded 788,000. Furthermore, the country's strategic location strengthens its position
               as a dynamic global trade hub.

               Fostering cooperation at the private sector level

               The meeting extensively explored ways to improve cooperation and explore potential opportunities
               to boost private sector growth in both countries. The objective was to cultivate new partnerships
               that would reinforce the economic ties between the UAE and Hungary. Additionally, the meeting
               emphasized the significance of encouraging entrepreneurs to enter and expand their businesses into
               new markets, in line with the vision of both countries to transition to innovative economic models.

               Agriculture, food security and tourism

               The UAE and Hungary agreed on continuing the exchange of expertise and knowledge, while also
               seeking insights from best practices adopted in various fields such as agriculture, food security,
               animal husbandry, food industry, water and environmental management and protection, energy,
               and renewable energy. In addition, the session explored innovative methods to stimulate tourism
               flows and foster new  avenues for collaboration between tourism companies in both countries.
               Notably, air traffic between the UAE and Hungary continues to grow, with more than 56 flights
               currently operating between the two destinations every month.

               New economy

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