P. 33

Press Release

               H.E added: “The tourism sector in the region and the world will witness a new era of
               growth and  prosperity.  This  follows the  robust recovery  of  the  global  tourism

               industry in 2023, where growth indicators reached 88 per cent of pre-pandemic levels
               and generated an estimated USD1.6 trillion in revenue according to United Nations
               Tourism data. These developments underscore the need to make more efforts towards

               tourism development.”

               His Excellency continued: "The UAE tourism sector is a strong bridge to promote
               the growth and sustainability of the national economy. The country has been keen to

               develop this vital sector by launching pioneering tourism projects, initiatives and
               strategies, notably the  ‘National  Tourism Strategy 2031’.  This strategy aims  to
               significantly boost the sector’s contribution to the GDP, targeting AED 450 billion,

               attract investments totaling AED 100 billion by the next decade, and introduce the
               ‘National Tourism Charter’. This charter provides a strategic framework to foster
               sustainable growth in tourism, preserving the country’s heritage, natural and cultural

               treasures for  future  generations.  Additionally,  the  launch of  the  ‘Hospitality
               Advisory Council’,  enhances UAE’s  attractiveness  for  domestic and  foreign
               investments in the hospitality, hotel and accommodation sectors.”

               His Excellency bin Touq reviewed some indications and results that showed the high
               position of  UAE  tourism  on the  global competitiveness indicators,  including

               achieving a significant 26 per cent growth rate in 2023 compared to 2022, surpassing
               the growth rate of 2019 by 14 per cent. The sector contributes around AED 220
               billion, 11.7 pert cent to the national GDP. Additionally, the UAE is ranked first
               regionally and 18  globally on the Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024,

               while being the sixthbiggest market in the world in terms of tourism revenue in 2023,
               totaling AED 191 billion.

               His Excellency bin Touq highlighted several tourism projects undertaken by  the
               UAE  recently.  These include  expanding  airport  capacity,  developing  tourist
               attractions and  destinations according  to  best  international practices,  upgrading

               transportation infrastructure, and integrating cutting-edge technologies to improve
               traveler experiences at the country’s airports. H.E also emphasized the launch of a

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