P. 32

Press Release

                 UAE participates in BRICS Tourism Ministers' Meeting to

                 enhance collaboration for sustainable tourism development

          >> Bin Touq: UAE tourism is a powerful catalyst to boost the growth and competitiveness
          of the national economy. We are committed to strengthening our collaboration with the
          BRICS  countries to  increase tourism  influx  and  develop a resilient and sustainable
          tourism sector.

               Abu Dhabi, 22 June 2024:

               His Excellency Abdulla bin Touq Al-Marri, Minister of Economy and Chairman of
               the UAE Tourism Council, led the UAE delegation at BRICS Tourism Ministers’

               Meeting, held in Moscow on June 20 and 21, 2024. Chaired by the President of the
               Russian Federation Group  "BRICS"  2024,  under the  theme ‘Promoting
               multilateralism for equitable development and security in the world,’ the meeting

               aimed to  enhance  cooperation among Member  States in  advancing sustainable
               tourism and exploring diverse tourism opportunities.

               Bin Touq emphasized the commitment of the UAE, under the guidance of its wise

               leadership, to enhance tourism cooperation with BRICS countries and explore new
               opportunities  for  sustainable  tourism  partnerships.  These efforts  are  aimed at

               positioning UAE as a world leading tourist destination in line with ‘We the UAE
               2031’ vision.

               Bin  Touq said,  “We  are  committed to  strengthening our  collaboration  with  our

               partners in the BRICS Group to develop a robust and sustainable tourism sector. This
               involves  improving air  connectivity and  infrastructure,  leveraging  the strategic
               position of the UAE and member countries, embracing digital transformation and

               technology  across tourism sectors  and  tourism activities, and  sharing  best
               experiences and practices. These efforts will facilitate smoother travel and boost
               tourist flow among member states, offering a unique tourist experience for travelers

               from all over the world.”

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