P. 464

1/18/24, 3:16 PM            Competition between Gulf economies benefits whole region, UAE economic minister tells Arab News

            in January, 2020 and missing CIA „les as a major roadblock to him winning the
            Republican nomination.

            “I’m telling you, Trump is going to lose,” he said. “You don’t want this guy; you
            ha ve a tough  enough  time in the  Middle East, with Iran; you don’t want
            someone thi s unstable and impetuous as the American president.”

            The  “insane” development of non-oil sectors of Gulf economies, thanks to its
            competitiveness, ha s turned the  region and its cities into some of the world’s

            most attractive prospects for its youth and expatriate communities to settle in
            and “build a life,” according to Julien Hawari, CEO and founder of content
            creation „rm Special Edition.

            “Five years ago, who  would ha ve thought that the hottest cities in the world were
            going to be called Abu Dha bi, Dubai, Riyadh, even Doha? There has been a

            profound transformation,” he  said.

            “The re ha s been one thi ng missing from the conversation that has been vital,

            and tha t’s the  youth  empowerment, there has been a way of doing things that
            ha s completely transformed the se countries, you have young leadership at
            ministerial level, in the  UAE, in Saudi Arabia, in Qatar,” he added.

            Hawari, who  said he  believes the  economies of the US and the rest of the West
            are lagging 10 years behi nd thos e in the Gulf, also rejected concerns over oil

            price cha nges ha mpering development of Gulf economies in the next decade,
            and backed a mobilized work force to keep driving growth. 

            “Yes, price of oil will go down, but will the human capital ( in the region) change?
            I doubt it,” he  said. “(The  region) has been able to ride through the good times
            and bad through  „nancial discipline. Hard times will hit the region, of course. If

            the  US, Chi na or Europe suer, the region is impacted, but what has been
            ha ppening the re is mind-boggling.”

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