Page 74 - SALIK PR REPORT - July 2024
P. 74
7/31/24, 1:28 PM Dubai Salik: What are the updated rules and how to contest penalties | The National
If a Salik tag is lost or stolen, the dr iver must immediately infor m Salik, which will then
de activate the tag.
Salik is entitled to continue to deduct any tolls and p ayments, including fines, from the
user ʼs Salik account.
The dr iver is required to purchase a new Salik tag to replace the lost or stolen tag.
Once a Salik tag is repor ted as lost or stolen, it c annot be re activated or used again.
Why was Salik introduced?
Salik was established in 2007 to e ase traffic flow on the emirate's main transpor t link,
Sheikh Zayed Ro ad.
Salik Comp any was directed to establish the new gates by Dub ai's Ro ads and Transpor t
Author it y.
I t was established in its cur rent for m as a public joint stock comp any in June 2022. Toll use
represents about 87 per cent of its revenue.
Since July 2022, Salik has operated as a sep arate legal entit y from the author it y through a
49-ye ar concession agreement.
Updated: July 30, 2024, 5o43 PM
Dub ai UAE Transpor t Salik
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