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word] design fault way we've been erroneously led to believe in.It's the 'It'll be OK if I just learn to do XYZ' lack of skills trap. As an aside, it constantly prevents flow from developing .. it often gets called 'Traction', which is almost impossible to achieve amid all the Learning Distractions going on. You are strongly advised to %u2018LET IT GO%u2019 - make the small perspective shift %u2026 and FOCUS on WHAT STRUCTURES are required to enable your enterprise to really achieve its goals?A symbolic shift we might all embrace is to leave behind the term 'Start-Up' about a company. Which generally refers to one typically in its first year and not fully formed yet. Think about the term for a second. We don't just start a race, do we? We at least intend to finish it or perhaps set a personal best time. A race has an 'Objective' whereas the term Start-Up concerning commerce - often puts us in a limbo position as no one quite knows when the Start-up actually becomes a fully fledged emerging organization. INSTEAD What if we called the early-stage of business%u2026 the Design Phase? It's still being properly structured to thrive by achieving its opportunities and objectives. If you're already in full swing in your company and have realized it's time to make that shift %u2026 then you'll go into the RE-Design Phase. There's no problem with that, and it's possibly quite freeing for many hard-working yet struggling founders out there. In our humble opinion, business was never meant to be a struggle. If you are shifting to the advocated Design/Structure your business to thrive mode, a catchphrase sometimes used is %u2026 Focus on WHO can help you rather than 'How will you/I Do it?' Think about it, very few great endeavors are done alone. Business is no different. Passion, skills, and ideas get most of us started working for ourselves. But then it takes design [biz-mapping, as we call it] to install the Structures that will get most of us to the success our efforts may well deserve.Partners and clients of ours sometimes refer to this shift in focus as -From EMPLOYMENT mode to SELF-EMPLOYED mode & realizing there is another option, namely: TEAM Employed. The emphasis shifts to biz founders TEAMING up with others to increase their odds of success dramatically.It's time to draw things to a close. Have you started your list yet of WHO can help you? [Start today.] You might also want to work backward from the work you can see needs to get done to better shape your quest for Collaborators/Partners/JVs & Alliances. The help and support are OUT there. All you had [have%u2014preferably] to do is decide it's time to make that small shift and design your way to massive success. Ready for that? To sign off %u2026 'All You Need is a Simple Plan That Works! Almost anyone can implement that in line with their unique work style or personality. A positive attitude is NOT essential, though it helps. It's the most motivating thing in the world%u2014one small shift. The Business Dream is back in full Technicolor. Enjoy the ride to the stars. Mark Layder The BizQonnector Business Strategist. Jan 2025 OPERATIONS1. Smarter Lead Generation2. Account-Based Marketing (ABM) at Scale3. Data-Driven Sales Approach4. Faster Sales Cycle & Increased Efficiency5. Personalized Outreach & Engagement6. Scalable and Cost-Effective7. Exceptional Customer Support & CustomizationMark LayderDIFFERENTIATEMAG.COM QUARTER 1 | 2025 %u2022 D I F F E R E N T I AT E M AG A Z I N E 33