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First, a true story to set the scene somewhat and impress you, dear reader, that creating and developing businesses has become waay more difficult than it needs to be![But if you WILL make that little shift %u2026 watch this space]HEADLINE FACTOID:Over 80% of new companies do not make it to their 5th birthday! Despite a world full of readily available biz tools-ubiquitous wi-fi and Expert Guru%u2019s everywhere we look.Point: Something MUST be wrong or flawed in the way %u2018WE%u2019 have been taught to build companies at a time when so many good resources are available to almost everyone.What If You Were Just One Small Shift%u2026In Focus, Away From Vastly Improved Results from Your Business?Apollo 13So, back to our story. Some of you may have heard of Apollo spacecraft from the 1960s. In our case, the Apollo 13 Mission, which was made into a movie, became a %u2018Successful Failure%u2019 trip to space because, in the event of major mechanical problems, the crew all got back to Earth alive%u2014which is a success bit. The failure was that the objective for the mission was clearly NOT achieved. Here%u2019s what affects almost anyone in business today, the Mission Commander played by Tom Hanks in the film, famously said following his %u2018lucky 13%u2019 return home:%u201cThe problem was that the fault was hard-wired into the rocket design%u201d %u2013 get this %u2013 TWO YEARS before he was even recruited to the mission.Effectively pronouncing that Apollo 13 was doomed way before it ever took off. Wowww! So, the real-life Commander, Jim Lovell, did a terrific job getting everyone home safely. OKIt%u2019s a powerful TRUE event. Let%u2019s look at how central its message is to the 80% failure rate in the commercial world. By the way, a whopping 96% of start-ups are gone by year 10. We can do better than this if this penny drops into place. It%u2019s only a small shift, I promise, but an important one as we%u2019re all a bit conditioned when it comes to [resisting] %u2026what often gets called - change. We%u2019ll come back to this later. OPERATIONS30 DIFFERENTIATE MAGAZINE %u2022 QUARTER 1 | 2025 DIFFERENTIATEMAG.COM