Page 45 - The Skinny On Your Diet Plan
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• Review your total daily carbohydrate intake. You may need more
than you’re getting, particularly right after training sessions or
games/competitions. Adding 25-50 more grams or 1-2 more cupped
handfuls of carbs would be a good start.
• Review your total daily fat intake, particularly your intake of
essential fatty acids. If you’re noticing a lot of inflammation, you
might benefit from increasing your intake of “Eat More” fat sources
and decreasing your intake of “Eat Less” fat sources.
Remember, as I’ve said before, all methods outside of a very
controlled lab test are just a best guess; just a starting point. It is from there
that you start making adjustments to fine tune the numbers to fit your
specific body’s unique needs.
I mentioned earlier that there was another method that we would
discuss in the Nutrition 101 Challenge. This other method is quickly gaining
popularity for its ease of use, convenience, and accuracy. It’s actually a
calculator that takes the responsibility of all the math we just learned. It does
it all for you. There are actually 2 calculators. One is a calorie calculator that
is an amazing tool as it gives you the breakdown on your specific nutrient
needs. The other calculator is a weight loss calculator, and it tells you how
to adjust your calories to lose or gain weight in a specific time frame.
Both calculators gather some data from you, and then
instantaneously give you not only your Total Met but also the breakdown of
your macronutrient portions, plus much more useful information.
The first and most important part of the Pyramid of Nutritional
Importance is your total caloric intake. Without that number being correct
first you won’t be able to effectively reach your goals.
Now, while energy balance determines body weight, it doesn’t tell us
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