Page 40 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
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  CHAPTER 7: WELLNESS TIME OFF a physician of its choice at its expense under certain
  NOTE: This policy provides a summary of an associate’s rights under the federal FMLA. If you have any questions regarding this policy or would like to apply for FMLA, please contact The Hartford at 1-888-301-5615 or Also, please note that some states, including Connecticut, Massachusetts and Washington, have state FMLA programs which may apply. If you are employed in a state other than Connecticut, please check ADP Workforce Now for any state-specific appendices to the Associate Handbook
or contact Associate Experience for state-specific information.
  unique circumstances.
While on Federal FMLA - Benefits Treatment
Subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of the applicable benefit plans, the University will continue to provide group health insurance benefits for up to
12 weeks to those on approved FMLA. Mutually acceptable payment dates for insurance premiums
will be established with Associate Experience. There is a 30-day grace period after the agreed upon date for the associate to make payment without affecting health benefit coverage. If payment is not made during the 30-day grace period, the associate will receive a final written notice allowing an additional 15 days to remit payment. Thereafter, non-receipt of payment will result
in cancellation of coverage effective the last day for which premiums were paid. Associate Experience will provide the respective associate with additional related instructions prior to the leave start date.
Benefits accruals, such as PTO, sick, or holiday benefits, will be suspended during leaves of absence such as FMLA and will resume upon return to active employment.
Associates who are on FMLA leave cannot work for another employer during this leave. Working for another employer during such time will be considered a voluntary resignation and will result in immediate termination.
Return to Work
Associates who do not return to work after expiration of the leave will be required to reimburse the University for payment of medical and dental premiums paid during the leave, unless failure to return is due to a serious health condition which prevents their satisfactory job performance.
So that an associate’s return to work can be properly scheduled, an associate on FMLA leave is requested to provide the University with at least one-week advance written notice of the date the associate intends to return to work. If the FMLA is required due to a personal
health situation, then a written return to work medical release from the treating physician is also required
before resuming work. When an FMLA leave ends, every reasonable effort will be made to return the associate to the same position, if it is available, or to a similar available position for which the associate is qualified. Except
when legally required, the University cannot guarantee reinstatement. Associates who do not return within the allowed FMLA period may not have job protection.
Certain tragic situations, though rare, can trigger special, supportive response by Post University. Under certain circumstances, regular full-time associates who are victims of family violence are allowed up to 12 days of leave on an unpaid basis. “Family violence” includes incidents resulting in physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or an act of threatened violence between family or household members. The purpose of a qualifying leave should be to:
• Seek medical care or counseling for injury or disability as a result of family violence;
• Obtain services from a victim services organization on behalf of the victim of family violence;
• Relocate due to such family violence; or
• Participate in any civil or criminal proceeding related to or resulting from such family violence.
Similarly, under certain circumstances, associates who are victims of domestic violence are allowed a reasonable leave on an unpaid basis. “Domestic violence” means: (1) a continuous threat of present physical pain or physical injury against a family or household member, (2) stalking of such family or household member; (3) a pattern of threatening of such family or household member or a third party that intimidates such family or household member; or (4) coercive control of such family or household member, which is a pattern of behavior that in purpose or effect unreasonably interferes with a person’s free will and personal liberty. The purpose of a qualifying leave should be to:
• Seek attention for injuries caused by domestic violence (including for a child who is a victim);
• Obtain services, including safety planning from a domestic violence agency;
• Obtain psychological counseling related to domestic violence;

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