Page 41 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 41
• Take other actions to increase safety from future incidence of domestic violence, including temporary or permanent relocation; and
• Obtain legal services, assist in prosecution, or otherwise participate in legal proceedings.
Eligible associates must request leave under this policy at least seven days in advance when the leave is foreseeable or as soon as practical when it is not foreseeable. An associate may use any available paid time off or, if the associate does not have available paid time off, Post
will grant the leave as unpaid. Paid leave benefits may also be available under applicable state law (e.g., paid leave benefits from the Connecticut Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Authority may be available to Connecticut workers for up to 12 days for family violence related leave under this policy). Post reserves the right to request reasonable certification that leave sought under this policy is for one of the reasons listed above.
The University will make every reasonable attempt
to ensure documents provided in support of a family violence leave request under this policy remain confidential and protected from disclosure unless required by law. Associates who believe they are the victim of family domestic violence should immediately report such concerns to the local authorities. To the extent applicable local or state law requires greater benefits, those laws will be followed. This also means Post will comply with any legal restraining orders.
Eligible associates summoned to jury duty, will be granted as much leave as needed to enable them to complete juror service. These associates will receive their regular base pay (excluding any differential or premiums normally received) less any payments received from
the court for the duration of the jury service. Associates selected for jury duty must provide Associate Experience with a weekly copy of official notice confirming the associate actually served as a juror.
Eligible associates are expected to immediately notify their supervisor if they are dismissed from jury duty during their scheduled shift. To the extent applicable local or state law requires greater benefits, those laws will be followed.
The exceptional sacrifice of those serving to safeguard our nation’s freedom is greatly appreciated and recognized
by Post University through various special initiatives including Post’s commitment to employment of veterans, focused military admissions policies, Veteran’s Day celebrations and this policy’s benefits. As of the date of hire, active members of any reserve military organization or the National Guard will be given the necessary time
off and paid as described below to participate in military activities.
This means that the respective associate’s pay while participating in short-term assignments such as drills
or mandatory information meetings will be “kept whole” based on their regular daily schedule. In other words, Post University will pay the difference of what is paid to the individual by the military branch or National Guard. Paid time off does not apply to deployment assignments or any of the associate’s other related expenses that may result such as transportation, meals, lodging, etc.
Associates should notify their supervisor as far in advance as possible of their expected training dates and provide copy of the official orders to their supervisor as soon as received. Associate Experience has responsibility for administration of this well-deserved benefit for our service men and women.
Post University continually complies with all regulations whether local, state, or federal. To the extent applicable local or state law requires greater benefits, those laws will be followed.
NOTE: TheFamilyandDomesticViolenceLeavePolicy
is intended to comply with requirements of the state of Connecticut. To the extent that an associate works in
a state with different family or domestic leave policies
or requirements, including differences in covered occurrences, the term that is more beneficial to the associatewillbeapplicable. Ifyouareemployedinastate other than Connecticut, please check ADP Workforce Now for any state-specific appendices to this Handbook or contact Associate Experience for more information.
Post is supportive of its associates fulfilling certain basic civic responsibilities. If you are a regular full- time associate working at least 30 hours or more per week and are summoned for jury duty, you should notify your supervisor or manager immediately and furnish Associate Experience a copy of the summons. A documented proof of service completion must also be submitted to Associate Experience at the end of the jury duty assignment.