Page 42 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 42
The University recognizes that extraordinary circumstances may occur that result in a need for
a temporary personal leave of absence not covered
by other policies such as Family and Medical Leave. Accordingly, the University may, at its discretion, review and approve this type leave. When this leave is granted, available accrued paid time off (PTO or Sick Pay as applicable) must be used by the associate during the leave. Personal leaves of absence must be approved
in advance by your supervisor or manager and by Associate Experience. If you are seeking a personal leave of absence your request must be submitted in writing
to both your supervisor or manager and Associate Experience with the following information:
• Period for which leave is desired;
• Reason for leave and why this option works best for you; and
• The dates on which the initial leave is anticipated to begin and to be completed.
For the period of time in which you are on approved leave, the University will continue to pay its portion for your participation in the University’s group health plans, to the same extent and under the same terms and conditions as would apply had you not taken leave. Likewise, during this leave you must make arrangements through Associate Experience to timely submit your normal benefit related deductions.
While it is Post’s intent to retain associates who perform as expected, there is no guarantee of a job with the University at the end of a personal leave. The University will make a reasonable effort to try and place the associ- ate in the former position or a comparable available posi- tion based on business needs. Keep in mind the associate may be terminated with eligibility for rehire if no position is available. If the associate fails to report to work on the next scheduled workday following the approved leave expiration or if the associate accepts other employment while on leave termination will also occur.
All associates and student workers are covered under the University’s Workers’ Compensation insurance program. This benefit provides limited income continuation if an associate is injured or suffers illness arising out of and in the course of employment. An associate who is injured or suffers illness on the job must report the incident immediately to the respective supervisor, Associate Experience, and the University’s Risk Management Administrator (203-596-4608). In response to these type situations, appropriate steps will be taken to ensure the associate receives prompt medical treatment as a first priority. If you need to miss work due to a work related injury/illness, it is your responsibility to keep your supervisor informed of your recovery progress and to provide as much advance notice as possible of the date you will be medically released to return to work. You must also provide your supervisor and Associate Experience with a copy of the treating physician’s signed release specifying that you are medically fit to return
to work. The note should include any limitations or restrictions (if applicable) that result from your injury/ illness and the date you are cleared to return to work.
In addition, confirmed false reporting of a worker’s compensation claim is a violation of Post’s policies and may result in discipline up to and including termination of employment. Suggestions to improve the safety of the workplace are always welcomed by Associate Experience and Post’s Safety and Security Department. Please be assured the University will take appropriate action timely to address workplace hazards. Associates’ and students’ safety will not be compromised at Post.