Page 52 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 52
• Falsify any Post document, report, communication or record including, without limitation, employment applications or resumes, personnel records, claims for benefits, and time records;
• Be insubordinate;
• Use language, gestures, or conduct that is demeaning, unprofessional or disrespectful to enrolled students, potential enrollees, colleagues, or any business asscociates;
• Gamble on University premises;
• Fail to immediately report any work related injury/ illness, no matter how minor;
• Fail to submit to a lawful drug/alcohol test as required or permissible under applicable Post policy and legal guidelines;
• Sleep or appear to be sleeping during work time;
• Threaten, coerce, intimidate or abuse another associate;
• Operate a Post vehicle in violation of related laws or fail to report police driving charges or accidents while working for Post; or
• Violate any University policy or expectation whether verbal or written regardless of the policy format or retained location.
The University’s culture and its ongoing investment in associates is intended to inspire sustained performance excellence and amazing service delivery by all associates. In cases where under performance or violation of Post’s policies or expectations occurs, Post will react with appropriate corrective action based on the relevant individual circumstances. Such corrective action may include interventions that are reasonable, thoughtful, and individualized to help produce the required associate response. Each associate is treated with respect and dignity in all aspects of their employment including in connection with corrective discipline.
The University addresses associate misconduct and under performance on a case-by-case basis. Some infractions are more serious than others and an associate’s performance contributions, type of offense, behaviors effect on others, prior discipline history, and seniority are important
factors in determining the best corrective measures. For similar reasons, corrective disciplinary actions may or may not be progressive. Disciplinary actions may include any of the following:
• Coaching/Counseling
• Mutual Consent to Success Agreement
• Written Warning
• Personalized Performance Improvement Action Plan
• Final Written Warning and/or Suspension With or Without Pay
• Termination of Employment
The University reserves the right to skip, advance or repeat any level of discipline that it deems appropriate in its sole discretion. In addition, if the same associate exhibits different type offenses or violations, the corrective discipline applied will be determined by combining the offenses, not by treating each infraction as a singular occurrence.
At Post, the primary goal of corrective discipline is restoration of acceptable behaviors and contributions. Therefore, associates are encouraged to embrace constructive, corrective and developmental feedback in a responsible manner.
This policy in no way alters the Employment At-Will Policy; that is, the associate or the University may terminate the employment relationship at any time and for any reason, with or without cause or notice.
The creative and innovative work produced by Post associates results in significant competitive advantages. At Post, this applies to new curriculum, business processes, resource materials, work solutions, training materials, instructor classroom materials, etc. Any work produced at Post (regardless of its form or importance)
or in connection with employment at Post is the exclusive property of the University and may only be used for
work related purposes. Associates may not use the University’s intellectual property, logos, trademarks, copyrights, etc. in any way that is unlawful or that
would infringe upon such intellectual property rights. Associates should not misuse the intellectual property
of third parties and confirmed violations may result in corrective discipline up to and including termination of employment.
NOTE: Although the above expectations apply to all associates consistent adherence to departmental specific expectations is equally important.