Page 50 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 50

Post University has implemented certain precautions to ensure workplace relationships do not create or foster perceptions of favoritism and are routinely characterized by professionalism, integrity, respectfulness and are ethical. A relative of a current associate will be considered for employment on the same basis as any other applicant for employment. However, to avoid conflicts of interest, the appearance of favoritism or adverse impact in the work environment, the University generally prohibits the employment of relatives that would result in the types of prohibited employment relationships identified below.
• A supervisor/subordinate relationship between a relative and an associate. If a direct supervisory or managerial relationship would be established, relatives of a currently employed associate cannot be considered as applicants for a position.
• Relatives employed in the same work group.
• Relatives will not be considered for positions in
which either relative would have significant and direct influence over the salary, development, promotional opportunity, performance assessment, or general professional advancement of the other.
• An actual conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. Generally, this prohibits the hiring or employment of an associate’s relative in any position that has an auditing or controlling influence over the associate’s job.
• The potential for creating an adverse impact on work performance.
• Risks to our security or confidentiality of records increase or appear to increase. For example, applicants cannot be employed in positions having access to a relative’s confidential information.
Managers and supervisors may not employ or place into employment their own relatives. This restriction does not apply to referral of applicants through Post’s Referral Bonus Policy.
Who is a relative? For the purposes of this policy, relatives include anyone connected by blood, marriage,
or other legal action, or any close relationships, such as cohabitants and significant others. Examples include, but are not limited to spouses, domestic partners, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, first cousins, or corresponding in-laws or “step” relations.
Associates who marry or become relatives, as defined above, may continue in their current positions as long as a prohibited employment relationship is not created. If a prohibited situation does result, Associate Experience will consult with the associates regarding resolution
of the situation. Post University may take appropriate action such as asking or requiring one of the associates to transfer to an available opening for which they are qualified.
This policy applies to hiring and employment decisions affecting all job classifications, including full-time, part-time, and temporary positions. These restrictions also are applicable when assigning, transferring, or promoting an associate.
All questions and issues relating to an employment- of-relatives’ situation or concern should be directed to Associate Experience immediately for guidance or resolution.
The University’s core values mandate mutual trust, respect and professionalism between associates and students at all times and in all interactions. This type conduct represents routine behavior at Post. In brief, all people managers should consistently adhere to highest ethical conduct and avoid relationships even if consensual that are contradictory to Post’s cultural values.
Prohibited Relationships
• Between associate and student: In general, consensual romantic, dating, sexual relationships, or similar conduct between associates and any student is strictly prohibited. At Post University, any student interactions (during or after work hours) except as required based on assigned job responsibilities is a violation of University policy. If such a relationship exists or develops, the associate must immediately notify Associate Experience. This does not include legitimate relations involving associates whose
family members are enrolled at Post.
• Between associate and associate: In an effort to provide a workplace that is free from actual or perceived conflicts of interest, the possibility of favoritism and disruptions, consensual romantic, dating, sexual relationships, or similar conduct between associates when one of whom exercises supervisory or evaluative authority over another associate is prohibited. If such a relationship exists or develops, both associates must immediately notify Associate Experience for review and corrective measures.

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