Page 49 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 49

 • Do not express political opinions that are purported
to be those of Post or otherwise engage in activity that creates the appearance that you are speaking or acting for Post on political matters.
• Do not endorse commercial partners. This includes a prohibition on ad placement for commercial partners on social media and use of Post’s name or trademark for corporate promotion.
• Maintain the confidentiality of proprietary and protected information of Post, its faculty, staff and students.
• Obtain the prior written permission of others of whom you wish to cite, reference, and/or post a picture.
• Do not violate intellectual property rights and laws. More specifically, use of third-party copyrighted or trademarked material or use of a person’s likeness without permission in digital content is prohibited. Doing so may be illegal and may expose Post and/or the Post user to legal liability and reputational damage.
• Maintain appropriate security safeguards to social media accounts and profiles.
• Use good judgment. Your actions have the ability to affect not only yourself, but also others at Post and the University as a whole. It is important to keep in mind that social media posts can be replicated, taken out
of context, and will remain in the public for an indeterminate amount of time.
Guidelines for Associate and Student Personal Use of Social Media
These guidelines apply to social media utilized by associates and students in their personal capacity. The line between professional (or academic) and personal sometimes seems blurred. There are many concerns that may arise from your use of social media. Most importantly, the information you post on social media can be permanently connected to you and duplicated by others. Your posts can be found by anyone, including Post, current or perspective employers, graduate school admissions offices, and many more. As such, associates and students are encouraged to follow the below guidelines when using personal social media:
• Do not create or develop Post social media accounts or profiles without prior approval from the Director of University Communications,
• Be thoughtful in decisions to “friend,” “like,” “link,” “follow,” or “accept” a request from another person. It is important to recognize that there is a great potential for misinterpretation of matters on social media.
• Review the content of your communications before posting. If the content of your communication would not be acceptable for an in-person conversation, over the phone, or another personal medium, it is likely inappropriate for social media.
• Be mindful, social media is not private. Think before you post in the public domain as these posts may be permanently connected to you, copied, or forwarded to others.
• Be civil and respectful to others and their comments.
• Understand and use privacy settings on social media.
If you fail to use privacy settings, your information may be available to the whole world.
• Think twice before publishing your personal information, such as your address, telephone number, or date of birth, on social media.
• When using personal social media or speaking with
the media and identifying yourself as an associate or student of Post, you should indicate that any views you express are your own and not necessarily those of Post. Unless specifically authorized, you are not permitted to speak on behalf of Post, must avoid doing so, and must avoid giving the impression you are doing so. Do not use the Post name, logo, image or other intellectual property on your personal social media in a manner that would create the appearance that you are speaking or acting on the behalf of Post.
• You are responsible for any content you publish on social media and may be held liable for activity that violates the law.
Post’s reputation has a direct influence on its success. Post is serious about the enforcement of these guidelines whether applicable to associates or students.
  NOTE: Any associate contacted by the media for
any reason should immediately notify Post’s Director of University Communications for guidance before responding.

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