Page 47 - Post Handbook Update 7-18-23
P. 47

The Information Technology (I.T.) Department directs the use of all University communications equipment, electronic systems, and electronic media such as computers, computer files, use of the Internet, e-mail, facsimile, telephones, inter-office mail, computer software, voice mail and all communications and information transmitted by, received from, or stored in the University’s systems (“Electronic Systems”). These Electronic Systems are the sole and exclusive property of the University and may be monitored to ensure compliance with this policy, to assess productivity and to protect against theft or misuses of confidential and/or proprietary information.
Post’s Electronic Systems are tools intended to support internal operations of the University and facilitate business communications. Limited, occasional, and incidental use of the Electronic Systems for personal purposes is acceptable only if done in a professional manner that does not interfere with business use, with an associate’s job duties, and that does not result in a fee or expense for the University. Acceptable use is based on common sense, common decency, and civility consistent with the guidelines set forth in this policy and in other policies. The University reserves the right to determine whether an individual’s use of its Electronic Systems is appropriate and whether it complies with the University’s policies.
The University’s Electronic Systems and all data
stored or transmitted on such systems are the sole and exclusive property of the University. As such, these Electronic Systems are accessible and may be accessed by management and supervisory personnel at all times for any business purpose. The Electronic Systems may be subject to periodic unannounced reviews, searches, audits or inspections including, without limitation, the monitoring of e-mail, voice mail, computer files, and Internet traffic, and the retrieval, monitoring and/or review of any data composed, sent, or received through the University’s Electronic Systems. The University may disclose such message or data for any purpose without notice to the associate and without seeking permission of the associate. Also, please see the University’s Notice Concerning Electronic Monitoring for additional related information.
The University reserves the right to monitor its Electronic Systems despite the assignment of individual passwords. The passwords are designed to provide system security from unauthorized users, not to provide privacy to the individual system user. Therefore,
users should not expect privacy with respect to the
use of the University’s Electronic Systems or with respect to the material and information stored on the University’s Electronic Systems. All system passwords and encryption keys used to access the University’s Electronic Systems must be available and accessible to management upon request.
Associates may not use unauthorized codes or passwords to gain access to files of others or other communications as to which they are not authorized. Attempting, without proper authorization, to read another person’s e-mail, hacking into the University’s Electronic Systems or cracking passwords, breaching computer or network security measures, or otherwise impermissibly monitoring or retrieving electronic files
or communications of other associates or third parties is strictly prohibited. Associates may not read the e-mail of others without appropriate permission nor use a code to access a file or otherwise review any stored information to which they do not have regular and approved access unless authorized to do so by an appropriate University official.
Associates may not use the Electronic Systems for any inappropriate, improper, disruptive, harmful, illegal or offensive communications, including but not limited
to those which contain racial or ethnic slurs, obscene language or anything which could be construed as harassment, discrimination or offensive to anyone based on race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or other protected classifications, sexually explicit messages, cartoons or jokes, propositions, or personal messages.
Associates may not use the Electronic Systems in any way which breaches the confidentiality or reveals any confidential or proprietary information of the University or its students, consultants or others with whom it does business.
This policy shall apply to all Electronic Systems and services that are accessed on or from the University’s premises, accessed using University-owned computer equipment or via University-paid access methods.
Associates should be aware that communications on
a University-owned device made through a private, password protected Internet email service may be stored on the University’s systems and the University expressly reserves the right to retrieve those files and read them.

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