Page 5 - No.5_Pupillage_Brochure_2021
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THE PUPILLAGE PROCESS                                           APPLICATIONS

 Chambers seeks to recruit up to 6 pupils each year  No5 is rigorous in its application process, ensuring   Applications open in January each year and are made via
 through its  own  application process.  The  groups  it  attracts  the best applicants with the potential to   No5 application form downloaded from the website link.
 within which the pupillage is provided varies annually,  become hard hitters at the bar. Over the past 3 years   The application form is assessed by members
 according to business need. No5 is not part of the  we have offered every pupil tenancy, numbering 14.  of chambers, from differing disciplines, to identify
 Pupillage Gateway.
 Pupillage  with No5 is structured to ensure each          whether they meet the standard for interview.
   An  award  of  £25,000  is  made  during  the  first  six  pupil is exposed to a broad spectrum of work whilst
 months of pupillage  with guaranteed billings  of  working  closely  with their appointed  supervisor(s).
 at  least £25,000  during the second six months.  Additionally, each pupil is assigned a mentor, being   I N T ER V I E WS  A R E
 Chambers funds additionally all compulsory training  a junior member of chambers, to offer support of a   H E L D I N T W O S T A G E S :
 courses during pupillage.  more pastoral nature.
                                                       The first centres on the Application Form, identifying the
     The application form is released on the No5  The entire process is overseen  by the Pupillage
                                                      candidate’s intellectual ability, debating, work experience,
 website, ordinarily during the first week of January,  Committee,  Harpreet  Sandhu,  Olivia  Chaffin-Laird
 with applications closing a month later.  and Samir Amin. Reviews are undertaken at regular   hobbies, knowledge of chambers and commitment to both
 intervals throughout the year for which supervisors    No5 and the Bar. It is relatively informal with general,
     Pupillages are for 12-months on a full time basis.  topical questions posed in order to assess the applicant’s
 prepare  reports and  provide  sample  work, as
   All pupillages are offered with a view to tenancy   appropriate.  These reviews are constructive and   ability to reason and argue a point with clarity of thought.
 upon satisfactory completion.  informative, providing an opportunity  for feedback

     All  members of  Chambers involved in the   and for the pupil to raise any concerns  they may   Second round interview is offered to a shortlist of
 recruitment process, at whatever  stage, have   have, independently from their supervisor.  exceptional candidates and is far more focused. A
 undergone fair recruitment training.  Shortly prior to commencing second six, an advocacy   legal problem is provided shortly beforehand. That
                                                          forms the basis for questioning and discussion on
 No5 recognises  its reputation stands or falls on   exercise is carried out before the Committee to further   both ethics and legal principles arising. Emphasis is
 the standard of  the next generation. It  accordingly   provide  an opportunity for pupils to practice, make   placed on the candidate’s critical reasoning skills, not
 seeks to recruit  “exceptional”  individuals  with a   mistakes and receive feedback,  as appropriate,  in   their knowledge of the law. This is critical in order to
 first class mind, a drive to succeed, an enthusiasm   order to ensure they are as ready as they can be for   ensure a level playing field for all candidates whether
 for intellectual challenge  and advocacy alongside   their first day in court. Further advocacy exercises are   they are completing their undergraduate studies or
 a commitment to No5, the Bar and  all  that such a   provided throughout the year as a means by which   transferring from another career, legal or otherwise.
 career entails.  pupils can hone their skills before a “friendly” tribunal.
 These exercises, whilst formidable, are intended to   It is intended to afford candidates with the opportunity
 Successful  applicants  will  have  a  first  or  upper   assist pupils to hone their skills and prepare them for   to demonstrate an impressive ability to analyse, formulate
 second class undergraduate  degree, whether    their first day in court.  and present a reasoned argument whilst also responding
 in law or another subject and have, as a               to questioning and challenge from the interview panel.
 minimum,  AAB  grades at  A-level (subject to
 extenuating  circumstances). Whether applicants           Prior to the second-round interview shortlisted
 apply direct from university or following an alternative   candidates are invited to spend a 1-day mini pupillage
 career, No5 is simply focused on attracting              with the relevant group in chambers. This helps
 exceptional candidates.                                 candidates to see how No5 really works and that it
                                                        truly is, whilst of course hard working and committed,
                                                            also a friendly and welcoming environment.
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