Page 9 - No.5_Pupillage_Brochure_2021
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 Members of the Business  and Property group   In  second  six,  you can expect to  be in court three
 are leaders in heavyweight  and complex dispute   to four times a week  – regularly  representing  your
 resolution. We have over 50 barristers practising in   clients in interim hearings and small claim and fast
 specialist fields in Business and Property issues and   track trials. In addition, you will have a healthy paper
 offer appropriate level of counsel for all matters. We   based practice. Many of our second six pupils assist
 more senior members of  the  group by  devilling  for
 are regularly recognised by Chambers and Partners
 and the Legal 500 for the excellent service that our   them or acting as junior. Your earnings are likely to
 exceed your guaranteed billings.
 members provide. Members appear in the Court of
 Appeal  and Supreme Court and  have  gone  on to   Members of our group are friendly and diverse. You
 attain judicial and political appointments, including as   will find that there is always someone to turn to should   PERSONAL  INJUR Y   AND CLINICAL  NEGLIGENCE GROUPS
 Attorney General.  you have any questions or concerns, no matter how
 silly you think they may seem. In addition, the junior   The Personal Injury & Clinical Negligence (PI/CN)  We pride  ourselves  on our friendly  and supportive
 The group covers a diverse range of specialist subsets   members of the group regularly  organise  informal   groups are two of the largest at No5, enjoy a national  approach, and you will benefit from this as a pupil at
 including  Agriculture  and Rural  Affairs; Banking,   social events which provide a welcome opportunity to   reputation and include six QCs. The dynamism of both  No5.
 Finance  and  Financial  Regulation;  Commercial   bond, let off some steam and socialise with members   groups is evident from three of those silks having been
 Litigation; Company and Partnership; Inheritance   in other groups. Throughout the year, the group also   appointed in the last two years and our continued   The groups undertake both claimant and defendant
 Disputes, Wills,  Trusts  and Estates;  Insolvency;   hosts solicitors  and  other clients  at a number  of   recruitment of pupils and new tenants. The depth and   work, across all areas  and at all  levels  of PI/CN
 Insurance;  Intellectual  Property,  Information  social, cultural and sporting events.   breadth of our expertise and experience will ensure   work. This includes complex neurological and spinal
                                                             injuries, but also disease and polytrauma. At the more
 Technology and Media; International Arbitration and   The clerks in the group are extremely committed and   that  you  are  provided  with  an  invaluable  support  junior end, you will find yourself representing parties
 Trade; Professional Negligence; Real Estate; Sports   hard-working.  They take a genuine  interest in the   network during pupillage and beyond. Our reputation  who may have been involved in road traffic accidents
 and Media; and Technology and Construction.  development of members’ practices and are always   secures involvement in quality work, including high  or the employee  or employer  after a workplace
 on  the lookout  for opportunities  for us to develop
 As a first six pupil, you can expect to gain experience   profile  and  appellate  cases.  We  are  truly  a  national  injury. You may represent an interested party at an
 business further –  whether that  be by attending a   set, with four offices.  inquest.  Your clinical  negligence  work may require
 in many of the above areas of law through shadowing
 social event, presenting a seminar or simply meeting        you to act for those who have suffered as a result of
 your primary supervisor as well  as other members   In your first six you will see work across the spectrum.
 a new solicitor for a coffee. As a tenant, you will find    the negligence of medical practitioners or to defend
 of the group. In doing so, you will gain exposure to   that you have a large amount of control over the   With your pupil  supervisor, you  will be exposed  to   clinicians facing such allegations.
 advising in conference; drafting advice, pleadings   direction  of your career  – in particular, over which   significant  and  complex  claims,  seeing  clients  and
 and skeleton arguments; attending mediations; and   of the subsets of Business  and Property work you   experts regularly.   You should  expect to see  court   Whatever your interest, there are numerous
 undertaking court based advocacy. This exposure will   ultimately wish to build up a specialism in – and that   hearings, but also mediation and  ADR.  As  you   opportunities to develop your PI/CN practice at No5.
 be invaluable to you as you start on your feet in your   you will be supported by the clerking team throughout   approach your second six,  we will ensure that  you   We are good at what we do and No5 is a very enjoyable
 second six.  your journey.  gain experience of more junior work of the sort which   place to work. Our track record in developing juniors
                      you will undertake in your own right. In your second   into busy silks is proven. We look forward to welcoming
                      six you can then expect a busy court-based practice   you to the No5 Personal Injury & Clinical Negligence
                      and to be in court most days, alongside  continued
                      development with your pupillage supervisor.
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