Page 11 - No.5_Pupillage_Brochure_2021
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 Planning law concerns the use and development of   well as the First Tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal   No5 is one of the few sets to boast genuine specialist   is recognised in the leading directories for its work
 land. It affects the places we live, work, and play, and   (generally in relation to the disclosure of information   public law practitioners, whose core work is within this   both in London and on Circuit in the Midlands and
 the way we travel between  them.  The way places   relating to the environment).   area of the law. We are able to provide a supportive   the south.
 are designed,  developed  or preserved,  impacts on   They frequently attend planning inquiries, hearings,   pupillage  seeking  to draw out and hone the very
 us every day.  Environmental  law is closely related         We  regularly appear in leading public law cases
 to planning,  and there is a great deal  of overlap   examinations  in public and development  consent   best skills of our pupils, with regular feedback and   in the Supreme Court, the Court of  Appeal, and
 between the two. Environmental law concerns and   order (“DCO”) hearings. Members represent   an opportunity to experience the genuine breadth of   the High Court. Our counsel  are also briefed to
 regulates the impact of human activity on the natural   developers,  land  promoters, local authorities  and   options within chambers for development of a public   appear regularly  in specialist courts and tribunals,
 world and its resources, including the air we breathe,   parish councils, as well as action groups who want   law practice in the formative years. This area provides   such  as  the  Court  of  Protection,  the  First-Tier  and
 and the water we drink.  to take part in the planning process. Members of the   for a busy mix of paperwork and court hearings. Only   Upper  Tribunals  and Coroner’s courts,  as well as
 Planning  Group have been appointed the Attorney
 No5 is noted as being a “heavyweight in planning”   General’s Panel of Counsel and so can advise and   those with drive and dedicated to making a success   in numerous other venues where key public  law
 and  members do some “incredible  work in the   represent the government in relation to challenges to   of their practice need apply, as this is not an area for   decisions are taken for example in education matters,
 planning sector.”  No5 is regarded as the “standout   planning appeal decisions and to the adoption of new   the faint-hearted.   professional discipline, or Parole Board hearings, to
 environmental  set in the Midlands”  - Chambers   planning policy, for example  No5’s Public Law Group has an established   name but a few.
 UK. Members are also noted for their wide range   expertise across the full breadth of  public law
 of  expertise across construction, planning  and   Members of the Group have been involved  in a   We are also a forward-thinking set, which has in place
 environmental  matters, including  in infrastructure   number of high-profile cases including:  practice. Its members include  leading  practitioners   ground-breaking policies that assist all our members
 and development projects.”     Nuclear power stations in Somerset and Anglesey  in Civil Liberties; Court of  Protection;  Community   (such as maternity and paternity leave provision) and
                      care, Health and Social  Care,  including  mental   with each pupil allocated a mentor amongst the junior
 The Planning  and Environment  group is home to     Heathrow runway extensions and Heathrow litigation   health; Data and information rights; Education Law;
 some of the leading barristers in the field of planning     The Shirley litigation concerning air quality impacts   ranks, as well as having  their allocated supervisor
 and environment  law. Richard  Kimblin  QC and     Coventry Airport expansion  Inquests, Public Inquiries and Coronial Law; Local   for pupillage, and regular reviews with the Pupillage
 Peter Goatley QC head the group  of six silks and    Government; Prison and Police Law. The work we   Committee to assist during the pupillage. Our clerks
 eighteen juniors.    The promotion of new garden villages including   do of course frequently involves Human Rights law   are  friendly  and  efficient,  and  assist  our  junior
 one in South Bedford for 19,000 new homes
 Planning is a branch of public law in which decisions     The Thames Tideway Super Sewer  and  Equality  issues. Our members  include  those   members to build practices based on meritocracy
 are made by local authorities, the Secretary of State   appointed to  the preferred counsel panels to  the   and that frequently enable practice development far
 for Housing, Communities and Local Government, the     HS2  Equality and Human Rights Commission. Our group   faster than at our competitors.
 Welsh Ministers, or Inspectors appointed on behalf of     The Wright litigation in the Supreme  Court
 the latter two. Those decisions may then be challenged   considering material considerations
 by way of judicial or statutory review. Members   Members of the group have been involved in some of
 regularly  appear  before  all  tribunals including  the   the most important cases relating to the interpretation
 specialist Planning Court, the Court of Appeal and the     of  the  National  Planning  Policy  Framework  which
 Supreme Court.
 was first introduced in 2012, including thee Suffolk
 Members also  appear in the Magistrates’ Courts,   Coastal litigation  in the Supreme Court on the
 the Crown Court (generally  in relation to  criminal   interpretation  of  the  NPPF,  which  involved  four
 breaches of  heritage and environmental law), as   members of the group.
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