Page 23 - Demo
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MAP SystemThe MAP System significantly improves the access to the cavity and otheranatomically difficult regions to reach, thanks to the various geometriesof needles. The precision of placement of the cylinder of compacted MTAloaded in the needle prevents the dispersion of the material in the rootcanal. The MAP System is the answer to your MTA placement challenges inmost clinical indications.The MAP System is an autoclavable and reusable surgical instrument. Thesingle-use plastic plungers are also autoclavable, allowing a complete decontamination of the entire device.The MAP System is made of different needles adapted to the procedure,the size of the canals and the volume of materials required. The needlesare available in 3 different sizes and are colour-coded: yellow = No. 0,red = No. 1, blue = No. 2. The shape of the needles is specific for each clinical indication. Classic curved needles are designed for precise endodonticprocedures performed using the orthograde approach. NiTi Memory Shapeneedles can be bent to your specific needs. Triple-angle Surgery needlesand Hooked needles are intended for retrograde endodontic procedures.MAP System Kit (One, Intro, VPT, Surgical)MAP NeedlesMAP AccessoriesSee references on page XXX15Endodontic obturation White Line* This product is a medical device of Class IIa and fulfills the applicable requirements of the Directive 93/42/EEC and of the Regulation 2023/607 on medical devices. This Medical Device is covered by SGS Belgium NV (Notified Body number 1639) accreditation as mentioned in the Declaration of Conformity.** Product availability may depend on your local regulation and product registration status.