Page 105 - Q01-2021 Fins Magazine
P. 105



 by Veronica Mermaid

 My story as a mermaid begins in childhood, which I spent   to enjoy watching life unfold under water, its great abundance,   Through mermaiding, I have learned not to be afraid of water.    each storytelling and in each workshop, there are children
 surrounded by books, stories and drawings. When I was 4   its creatures.   By respecting and taking  care, you are able to enjoy and live   and adults gaining confidence, understanding, friendship,
 years old, it was clear to me that my passions were art and   the experiences it has to offer.  cooperation, creativity, motivation, and courage.
 nature.   Later I would add teaching.    It did not take me long to discover and see that it was not
 all so “wonderful”, our seas, oceans and nature in general.   Combining my three passions, art of dance, freediving and   Learning how to be present in the moment and enjoying
 As I was always very curious and restless, at the age of  five, I   With each passing year, they are facing a greater danger of   theater, I have been performing since 2013.      it,  self awarenes, respect of our environment and overall
 started attending drawing classes and it was rare that I did not   destruction.  It is our responsibility to take care of them   happiness are all benefits of my mermaid journey.
 draw the sea or something related to it...   because they have give life.  Being able to create unforgettable experiences on the surface
           is gratifying.  With beautiful tales and stories about the sea,   Of all the things I get to do and receive, those smiles back are
 Oh, mermaids! How fascinated I was with them!  How could I convey in a larger environment the wonders and   workshops, didactic talks, visits to schools I love sharing my   the world’s greatest gifts to me.
 riches of the incredible world that hides under water.  knowledge about our ecosystems and its reality.
 I always enjoyed being in the water.  When I was six, I saw,      I invite everyone to get to know this wonderful world.  Join us!
 touched and felt the sea for the first time. Such a feeling   In December 2013, I finally  became the self I had dreamed of   I love being able to educate and entertain. My underwater
 invaded me that to this day I do not know very well to   ever since I was a child.  I ordered my first mermaid tail after   creations include stories through actions, doing pirouettes,   Enjoy an incredible sport that I could explain to you with a
 describe.   having seen photo of a monofin attached to a “skin” allowing   mermaid tricks, dancing with sea and freshwater creatures.   hundred thousand words that it will not matter, because they
 you to swim like an a real mermaid.  It was a dream come true.     will never equal what you are going to feel.
 With such emphaticness, that it can give you strength to make   Educating through fun and knowledge, a world of emotions
 a tremendously difficult decision.  It gives you clarity that you   Knowing that I would be able to turn my childhood dream   is created that unite and create a link of interest, affection and   Learn more about

 don’t know where it came from but now you have it and you   into a job to share and encourage so many positive values  for   care for the sea, the species and their environment.   Veronica Mermaid:
 didn’t have it before.    society and earn a living doing what I love the most and what
 I do best.     There are the additional  benefits from the mermaid   @veronica_mermaid
 You start to see talents that you didn’t know you had. Not   community of promoting and developing values   such as
 pleasant to see, but necessary  for you to directly face your   After receiving my tail in 2014, Veronica Mermaid was   companionship, unity, respect, civility, equality, fairness, and   Photographer:
 fears to overcome them.     launched the following year.  Throughout my journey   trust.    Rano Raraku Photography
 mermaiding has helped me through the obstacles along the          @rano_raraku_photo
 Such was the feeling of calm, of stillness, of peace, to be able   way.    Seeing day by day and week after week, in each class, in
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