Page 2 - Q01-2021 Fins Magazine
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Contents CEO’s plans for Fins. I call this our C4 and now record, edit, and produce
platform combining: Community,
content for YouTube as well as
Content, Communication and
audio for our pod casts.
We fundamentally changed
Working with Pat over these last
serval months, we have retooled the business model. The digital
publication is free and does not
In October of 2020, I joined Pat at the magazine format to include require a paid subscription.
safety, family, DIY, event coverage,
Fins Magazine to help grow the
07 company. environmental issues, and in- We understand that our
depth interviews. The Spring 2021
revenue can only come from
Having come from 30+ years of issue is at 160 pages. us successfully serving you the
MERMAIDS FOR technology and publishing at the community. To that end we have
ENVIRONMENTAL C level, my specialty is startups We have added a board of advisors some amazing things in process
to help us direct our efforts and
and early pre-revenue stage
that we are working on behind the
EDUCATION companies. provide clarity if we get stuck in scenes.
the trees, so to speak.
08 I was asked, why get involved with We have established a global We will make announcements as
a print publication when print is in
we get ready to roll them out.
a steep decline? network of mermaid reporters
LIONS INVADE The answer was easy, Fins to bring relevent, insightful and Please help us spread the word,
Fins Magazine is free.
timely information.
10 1000 MERMAIDS THE DEEP Magazine is far more than a print
Mermaid statues magazine. It is a cultural hub for We now dig into issues that rise in Let’s tell the world about this
an amazing and undiscovered
incredible community.
the community to bring you the
save our reefs. 12 global community. information and let you decide
for yourself your position on the Jeff Weiner (JW) | CEO
JW CREATIVE ART We have implemented some subject matter. Fins Magazine
MERMAID SARANDIPITY massive changes and are diligently We opened our production studio
working on some very aggressive
MERMAID TAIL ANd From are due for a gust of wind in in their performances,
MONOFIN SAFETY the Editor their sails that mermaids can supporting/creating local
conservation efforts, or raising
of the environments to be a
MOVE MERFOLK BRETT STANLEY 97 We are excited to bring you this Helping the industry grow their children to be stewards
from a grass roots perspective,
issue of Fins Magazine. Our
catalyst for change in a world
36 MOVE 18 UNDERWATER PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER FLAUNT YOUR FINS first quarter of 2021 has been a mermaids create demand in that desperately needs it.
Get moving feel roller coaster ride of learning. diving, education, tourism,
better. photography, mermaid tails, art A huge amount of appreciation
By connecting, celebrating and and conservation. to the mermaid community.
sharing the all encompassing
world of mermaids, Fins is THE Conservation needs are at an all You are sharing your
platform for the world to learn time high. Mermaids use their knowledge and stories through
Features Topic about mermaids. sea of voices to protect and Fins so that others may
rebuild aquatic environments
learn. You are a Sea of Voices
Our landscape is a changed devastated by pollution. beautiful and inspiring.
one. With a stronger sense of Mermaids are incorporating
04 EDITOR TO MERMAID community, local businesses environmental education Pat | Editor In Chief
90 TAIL TRAVEL TIPS Glamourous and inpsirational professional mermaids PAGE 68
92 DIY SILICONE TAIL from around the world.
JW CREATIVE ART | @JWCREATIVE.ART 38 LACK of INCLUSIVITY?LACK of INCLUSIVITY? Afro Mermaid California Mermaid Key West MerMagic Con
Summit Convention Mermaid Festival
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