Page 95 - Q02-2021_Fins-Magazine
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 The monofin. A staple in many   you as you swim through the   The beginning of the
 merfolk’s grottos. Either being   water.  Some monofins,  such   monofin.
 inserted in a tail or being worn   as the Finis Shooter—a popular   Now, the monofin didn’t just
 separately,  monofins  have  monofin  for  experienced  come into being designed
 become  a  major tool  in  the   swimmers—are  designed  like  the  monofin we love and
 art of mermaiding around the   for perfecting the dolphin   use in the merfolk community   by Unitex in the 1960s. Claiming   the monofin today had little or
 globe.   kick  and  used  for  speed.  On   today. It has gone through   After creating the design, he   to be a “self-propelled inner   no awareness of each other’s
 the  other  hand,  monofins   mass-produced his invention   space vehicle,” the Aqua-naut   existence and goals for their
 In  mermaiding,  whether  engineered by mermaid  tail   various  progressions  and  in 1929 and gained access to   allowed its user to swim in the   created devices.
 remakes, with the first-ever
 you do it recreationally or   makers specifically for fabric   monofin being under some   mass production in the United   water up to 5.5 knots and have
 professionally, the  monofin  is   or silicone tails are more   disagreement.  But  from  our   States.   three  times  the  propulsion   All we can say is that each was
 a vital tool in enabling you to   designed  for  fluidity  and  research, one of the first known   of a powerful fin swimmer.   a passionate person within
 swim through the water with   creating a  realistic  mermaid   recorded models is recorded   The other person who is said   It was said to be used for   their field, with an extensive
 ease, speed and as realistically   appearance in the water.   as far back as the 1910s.  to have constructed one of   freediving,  scuba  diving  or   background in underwater
 as possible.   the world’s first monofins is   recreational swimming and        activities, striving to create a
 Parts of a monofin?  One  of  the  first  attempts  at   Kurt  Schaefer,  an  underwater   could  aid  in  maneuverability   tool that would benefit those
 Regardless of which company   constructing a monofin was   photographer. He invented   for underwater photography,   who wished to spend time in
 produced it, a monofin will   made by Louis de Corlieu, a   not just their version of the   underwater  research,  the water.
 have two main parts: the blade   member of the French Navy   monofin but an underwater   inspection and repair of ships
 and the foot pocket.   who demonstrated his first   film camera during wartime   and  submarines  and  much   Now when you go to pick up
 prototype to navy officers in   military  service  in  Italy.  more!            your monofin to take it out for
 The blade provides you with   1914. He left the Navy in 1924 to   Schaefer’s  monofin  was  a mermaiding session, know
 propulsion through the water.   devote himself to his invention   created by attaching two   The Aqua-naut, to me, looks   that  there  is  a  history  that
 Depending on the brand,   and  went  on  to  patent  his   standard  fins  together  with   like some ride on a minuscule   stretches back over 100 years.
 monofins can be made with   monofin design in 1933. After   straps and a cord in 1949.   underwater  seaplane.  It
 a  mermaid  aesthetic  for  creating his own model, he   His creation can be found   was able to be propelled by   The creation and continued
 realism. The  foot  pockets,   was asked by the director of   in  the  Aquazoo-Löbbecke  bending the knees slightly   development of a product that
 which you slide your feet into   the  Pontoise  swimming  pool   Museum in the German city of   and then briskly kicking back.   has made, and will continue
 so that you’re secure, give   to create a new model, which   Düsseldorf.  It was more of a device to be   to  make,  countless  merfolks
 you ultimate control over the   was  named the  “dolphin.”   “ridden,” like a bike, whereas   dreams a reality. If you’re
 monofin’s performance.   This particular model was   From there until the 1970s,   the monofin we know today   purely a monofin wearer or
    not designed for competitive   the  monofin  had  various  is designed to be worn. An   don a fabric or silicone tail
 What materials are used   swimming but for “underwater   alterations  and  various  interesting device, the Aqua-  in the water, the monofin is
 to make a monofin?  ballets,” aiming to attract the   concepts  constructed  by  naut’s longevity was shortlived.   something all merfolk use
 A monofin can be made of a   public’s attention to this new   people  worldwide,  some  of   In contrast, its smaller and far   for propulsion, fluidity and
 variety of materials. Some are   underwater accessory.   which  many  well-known  easier to operate counterpart   aesthetic. So to that I say:
 made from glass fiber, carbon   monofins today are derived   has lived on to be a staple   happy swimming  beautiful
 What is a monofin?  fiber,  aluminum,  rubber  or   With  his  patented  monofin,   from and some that never saw   with swimmers, freedivers and   merfolk!
 In very basic terms, a monofin is   silicone. Depending  on  the   he also included two spoon-  production.   merfolk alike.
 shaped fins for the hands
 a type of flipper that you insert   swimmer’s ability—including   (what we would use today   Another  very  short-lived  The archives of the internet
 both feet into that provides   muscle  power,  swimming  for training as hand paddles).   device in the underwater   and online documents can’t
 propulsion when you dolphin   style, and type of aquatic   He called this equipment   community—but was inspired   tell us definitively who was
 kick in the water. Depending   activity they are doing—will   “Propulseaurs  de  natation  et   by the propulsion and ease in   the first known creator of the
 on the tail maker or  brand of   dictate the size, stiffness and   de  sauvetage,”  which  loosely   the water from the monofin—  monofin. Pre-1970 contributors
 monofin you have purchased,   materials best suited to their   translates to  “swimming and   was a device called the Aqua-  to  the  development  and
 it will vary in the power it gives   needs.  rescue impulse device.”  naut, later called the Aqueon   creation of what we know as

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